The End? Chapter 3, Book 1

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'Jill? Please Jill wake up'

A soft voice spoke.

'Jill? Jill? Oh, for gods sake. Thank you.'

Luke had tears in his eyes and he smiled. I didn't know where I was, but everything was white.

'Hey' he whispered, sobbing.

'Hey.' I answered, but it hurted to even move my mouth.

'She is alive. She is awake!' A boy with blonde hair came into the room. I didn't regocnize him, but he seem familliar to me.

'Jill, this is Nick. From district 2. You know him?' He gave me a shy laugh and lifted his hand up as a gentle

wave. I turned my head to him, but it hurted. I moaned soft.

'Stay still. You aren't fully healed yet.' Luke laid his hand on my arm.

'Okay.' I said quietly. It was difficult, because my throat really hurted. It was dry and burning.

'What happened?' I said, nearly to whispering.

'When you killed that boy, from seven, the remaining boy threw a stone at your head. It hitted you and you fainted. I wanted to catch you, but I couldn't, so out off panic, I yelled your name. I needed to reach you, but the four from two and seven surrounded me. Luckily there was Nick, who they didn't except. He hitted one on a special place on the back of his head. The others noticed it, so they tried to go after Nick. Because they forgot me, I could stab them easy. They all fell dead to the ground. I had only one wound on my arm, and Nick had a broken leg. We thought that we had to kill eachother now, but they picked us all up and brought us to the Capitol. You had a very damaged brains. You was very sick when we came here. You didn't notice it when we were in the Arena, but you was... You was..' Luke stuttered.

'I was what Luke?'

'You was pregnant..' I was? I was what? I felt becoming pale.

'I was? Pregnant?' He nodded. 'Why was?'

'It died. I'm so sorry..' I smiled. 'No you don't have to be sorry. If it was alive it was too early. But thank you for telling me.' I leaned in and kissed him. It really hurted in my ribs, but it was worthed it. Nick cleaned his throat.

'I'm sorry Nick. Didn't want to make you uncomfortable.' Luke said. I chuckled.

'No I don't care, but I think we have to go. They said we had half an hour. I think we are almost an hour here.' Luke nodded. 'I love you.' It was hardly coming out, but Luke heard me. He stroked my cheeck and walked away. Nick lifted his hand up and then the door closed. Pregnant? Me? How? I tried to remember. That day. I remembered.

We were in the Capitol. My mentor said she wanted something exciting. They grabbed a weird colored syringe and did it in my arm. I fell asleep slowly. What happened after that, I didn't know. I felt really weird when I woke up. Luke wasn't there, but my mentor was whispering about him. 'He can't now it. Than they will do something about it. The Capitol wants something.' Claire nodded. I thought. Claire? What was she doing here? Why would she work with a secret plan? 'I know, I know, but it is kind of sad. They are both so young! Why would you make her..' She stopped talking when Ivette nodded towards me. 'Jill! Finally, you're awake!'

It felt weird. I was only seventeen, and they grew a baby inside of me! But it was dead now. Dead. Did you hear me? Dead. DEAD!

Luke came in again.

'Good morning babe.' He smiled. I nodded. But I didn't feel right. I felt really dizzy and nauseous. Slowly I closed my eyes again.

'Jill? Jill?!' He yelled. 'Nurse! Nurse please come! Jill is getting onconscious!' Everything was getting black. I was twirling. Flashbacks started to run through my head. Luke telling that he loved me. We laying in each others arms. Killing Mary. Saying goodbye to Lily. Nightmares. Lily, who wanted to hug me, changed into a monster. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. She eated me. In her stomach a big world with green trees and beautiful, yellow dandelions grew. But how longer I was in it, how worse it got. Trees were on fire, screaming children everywhere and me getting blown up. I yelled.

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