Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! :D

Chapter 7

Bridge's POV

"Come on Bridge! I'm hungry!" whined Sky from outside of the bathroom door

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back playfully.

'Sky out of character...yet so adorable...' I thought to myself, as a smile formed on my face.

"One more minuet and I'm coming in there and dragging you down the hall, by you ear, to the cafeteria." Sky said, amusement evident in his voice.

I held back a laugh

. I had been dressed and ready for 5min..but it was fun to hear Sky whine and "threaten" me.

I put on the cutest face i could muster, I poked out my bottom lip, and made my eyes huge like a puppy.

I stuck my head out the door to see sky sitting on his bed, reading, OF COURSE the SPD hand book.

He looks up at me with a grin on his face.

"You wouldn't do that to me, would ya Sky?" I asked as i poked my lip out more.

He busted out laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh along.

Once you got Sky laughing his laugh was contagious.

Sky stood up and walked over to where my head was poked out.

His face was completely serious.

He got extremely close to my face Ialmost started to panic, until he whispered

"Of course not. I wouldn't hurt you. Your too damn cute." as he said this i could feel his hot breath on my face.

It sent shivers down my spine.

I could see his seriousness turn into a gentle smile.

'God i love him' as a smile graced my face.

I looked up into his eyes, and all i could see was love, no lust or hatred, like Brian.

Sky?" I breathed out.

"Yea?" he answered.

"Will you...kiss me again?" I said and i could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Anytime" he breathed before he placed his lips on mine.

BAMMM instant heaven again.

I pushed the bathroom door completely open, not breaking the kiss.

"Can i hold you?" Sky whispered against my lips.

I just pressed my lips to his harder.

'Hope he took that as a yes' i thought to myself.

Apparently he did because now i was in his big, strong, muscular arms.

'God it feels so good.' I think .

I feel his tongue snake out of his mouth and touch my lip ever-so lightly, asking form permission.

'At least he asks and doesn't take' i thought happily.

I open my mouth, hesitantly, he doesn't take advantage of my open mouth, and ravage me, like i thought he would.

He slowly, hesitantly runs his tongue over my bottom lip, then top, and then he put his tongue on mine.

I couldn't hold back a moan.

He strokes my tongue lightly with his.

He is being I'm china or something.

I admire that so much.

I moan again.

He breaks the kiss, we need air.

"I'm sorry" i say and look at the floor.

I can literately hear the shock in his voice.

What?! why?!" he said in a hurt tone.

"Did you not want me to kiss you like that?" he asked, scared to know the answer I'm sure.

My head snaps up "Of course I did. if I didn't I would have asked you to stop" I say in all seriousness.

He reaches out for me, then stops and looks into my eyes.

I nod my head for him to continue.

He envelopes me into a hug.

I bury my face in his chest.

"Then why are you sorry Bridge" he asked with concern.

"I'm sorry...that...i moaned..." I said and let a few tears slip.

I didn't want to get 'punished'.

"Bridge? Why in the world should you be sorry for that?" he asked astonished, and relief in his voice.

"I'm not suppose to...unless I'm told" I say, biting my lip.

I let a few more tears slip.

I hear him gasp.

'Oh no...I'm gonna get it...' I thought with fear, but didn't want to let go of sky.

"Oh bridge" he said with hurt and disbelief.

"I'm not like 'him' I promise" he said the word 'him' like it was nasty taste in his mouth or something.

He hugs me tighter and puts my head under his chin.

"I don't want you to be scared of me." he said with sadness.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"You don't have to say sorry every time." he said.

"I'm...Okay" I almost sloped.

"I love you Bridge, I don't want to hurt you" he said.

I dug my nails into the back of his shirt.

'Oh, God Brian always said that' I thought, fear bubbling up

"pp..lll...please...don't...say that..." I said as i started to cry harder.

"Bridge whats wrong?" he asked with concern.

"Brian always said that right before he...ummm...yea..." I say too embarrassed to actually say it.

"Oh God, i'm sorry." he said and held me tighter.

No matter what my brain associated with Brian I still knew i was safe in Sky's arms.



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