Chapter 4

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Okay, this is in Bridge's point of view this time. :D enjoy!

My name is Bridge Carson, I am the green SPD power ranger.

The whole team is great, I love them all, Jack, Z, Syd, and mostly...Sky...

He is the blue SPD power ranger.

We all live on the base.

I got the best deal ever, I got to room with my crush, Schuyler Tate.

By the way if you haven't figured it out, I'm gay.

I also have a crush on the Sky Tate, the 'Robot' as some call him.

I know that he is nowhere near a robot, and he is also one of my best friends.

I figured out that I was gay when I was about 15, a couple of years before I entered the academy.

The way I found out that I was gay, is that I had a crush on a guy at my school.

His name was Brian, he was one of the popular jocks.

Well, everybody at that school was homophobic, so I didn't say anything to him, because I was still unsure of my feelings.

He approached me, and asked me out. He of course said that it had to be kept a secret, no matter what, I agreed.

So, now I had a 'boyfriend', if you want to call that jerk that.

Don't get me wrong, It was great for the first couple of weeks, and keeping it a secret made it even more fun, because no one knew.

But around the 3rd week of our 'relationship' he tried to convince me to have sex with him.

I declined, or tried anyway, because that would be moving way too fast.

Sure, I liked the guy, but I wasn't in love with him .

Well, he didn't take no for an answer,.

He pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me.

He kissed down to my neck, and I tried to hold back my moans, but I couldn't help it.

I was yelling no, and stop the whole time, but he never did.

I'm not going to go into detail , but lets just say I wasn't a virgin any more, and It was not by choice.

I stayed with Brian for about 3years after that.

It was not of my own free will.

He threatened to beat me, even more than he already did, if I even thought about leaving.

But, one day I got up the courage to run, and I ran right to SPD so they could train me so if he did come after me then I would be ready.

I never even dreamed of becoming a ranger, before I entered the doors of SPD to report to D squad.

Then I saw him, Sky, he was working so hard, he was all sweaty.

My mouth was dry, I couldn't talk, I don't think I could form a sentence right then if my life depended on it.

The commander came over to introduce me.

He took me over to that boy I saw a few minuets ago, I didn't know his name at the time.

We walked over and the commander said "Cadet Tate."

The boy turned around and saluted

"Sir." he replied.

"At ease, Cadet Tate." The boy's body relaxed slightly.

"Cadet Schuyler Tate, this is Cadet Bridge Carson." Sky put out his hand to shake mine, but I didn't take it, I looked at it with fear in my eyes.

I don't like guys touching me, not even a handshake or a pat on the back, its first experience with a guy turned out to be horrible.

(Sky: I noticed the look in his eyes, and retracted my had immediately.

I tried my hardest not to touch him in any way, he was cute, and i didn't want to scare him off.

I still touch him as little as possible, to this day.)

It was weird Sky still tries not to touch me, to this day, as much as humanly possible.

I've gotten better about guys, well just Sky, touching me.

Sky is the only guy I let touch me, without freaking out that is.

I was walking down the hall, when I hear sky and Syd talking.

I heard Syd tell Sky that if she told him, god knows what, that she would kiss him.

I was so shocked, and jealous, and hurt, and oh my god, my eyes were watery.

I was NOT going to cry!

I refused to cry!

Not again!

I didn't even notice Sky's reaction.

I knew there was no way in hell that Sky Tate, the always by the rules guy, the uptight ice block, was gay or would ever go out with a goof ball like me/

But it still hurt so much.

I ran all the way back to our room and landed on the bed with a thud.

By then I was crying my eyes out, and I didn't leave my room until it was time for dinner.



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