Chapter 5

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Back to Sky's point of view! :D enjoy!

'That girl could make me admit to murder!' I thought, as I'm walking back to my and bridge's room after our little conversation.

As I opended the door, I could see that Bridge was already asleep.

'He was so cute when he slept.' I thought to myself.

I walked in and took off my SPD jacket, which left me in just a tight blue shirt.

I went into the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.

I took a shower, and brushed my teeth.

I came out of the bathroom with a light blue shirt, and plaid blue sleep pants.

That is when I herd it, Bridge let out a whimper.

I went over and sat on the edge of his bed.

He was dreaming

'What about?' I wondered.

Then he whimpered again, and now tears had begun to fall down his cheeks, it just broke my heart.

I hated to see Bridge cry, to me it was the most horrible thing ever.

Then he started to talk in his sleep, well almost yell. "Nooo! Stop! Please! SKY!"

I sat there shocked 'Was I doing something to him?!' I thought

He yelled again.

"Noo! Stop! Sky! Please! Help! SKY! HELP!"

'Oh god, I wasn't hurting him in his dream, someone else was and he was calling for me to help'

He whimpered out "Sky.

'I can't take this anymore!' I thought.

'I know that Bridge doesn't like to be touched that much, only god knows why, but this is a time I need to, I'm sure he would want me to wake him up from that nightmare, after all he was calling my name to help him.' I reasoned in my head.

I began to shake him, to get him to wake up.

His eyes shot open, and he shot up into a sitting position on his bed, he looked around.

"Sky" he breathed.

He lunged towards me, and into my arms.

I just sat there for a minuet, stunned, I've never gotten a hug from bridge before, it was amazing.

"What happened bridge?"I asked softly.

" me..." he stutterd, into my chest.

I love that feeling, but then the words sunk in.

"Who is 'He'?" I asked, still speaking softly, I didn't want to startle him out of my arms.

"Brian..." He breathed out.

"Who is that..?" I asked, looking down at him.

He wouldn't meet my gaze. So he just mumbled.

" My ex..."

I almost didn't hear it.

"You're gay?" I said, rather loudly and very gracefully fell into the floor.

He continued to not meet my gaze. I saw a single tear roll down his cheek.

"You hate me..." he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear it.

'Why did you react like that, you fool?'

I jumped up from my spot on the floor, startling him slightly.

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