Chapter 2

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Yes me, Schuyler Tate, the uptight, everything by the rules guy was not only gay, but in love with his best friend, and fellow teammate, Bridge Carson.

The goofball, with the toast.

Of course I  haven't told Syd that.
She has been bugging me about who I liked, well in this case, loved. She did NOT need to know that I love someone, she would have a field day with that.

She could tell the other teammates without actually telling them I was gay.
She had already brought that to my attention, many times in fact.
At this moment Syd and I were walking down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Come on Skyeee!" she wined

"No" i stated simply, "pwease?!" she pouted.

"No" i stated again.

"If you tell me, I'll...I'll...give you a...Kiss!"she bribed

"Nnn...what?!"i asked bewildered.

"I said, I will give you a kiss, if you tell me." she winked at me.

We both busted out laughing.

(before they started laughing, a pair of jealous and hurt eyes, were tearing up. The person tore off down the hall, in the opposite direction, before they saw the two laugh.)

Syd, and Sky shared another laugh, and kept walking, to go and get something to eat.

They walked into the dining area, and saw the rest of the team, minus Bridge, which Sky of course noticed right off the bat.

"Where is Bridge?" Sky asked immediately as they walked up to the table where their teammates sat, they all looked up at him, and shrugged.

"Okay, well Syd, lets get something to eat?" Sky asked while turning towards Syd. She nodded.

They walked over and got their food, and went back and sat at the end of the table, and joined in the conversation.

A few minuets later Bridge walked through the doors. He put a fake grin on his face, and walked over and got his food. He then went and sat down right in front of Sky.

Bridge was smiling, but Sky didn't buy the 'I'm happy and everything is fine' look he was trying to pull off. It seemed to fool the others Though. Sky made a mental note to make sure to ask when they were alone.

He smiled at the thought of being alone with Bridge. Everybody finished their food, and got up to head back to their Rooms. Sky and Syd were walking side by side talking, as were Jack and Z.

"I wonder whats wrong with Bridge..." I thought out loud.

"What do you mean? he was smiling all through dinner, as usual." Syd questioned.

"He was just putting up a front, somethings wrong." Sky stated absentmindedly.

"But how do you...?" she was cutoff by Sky rushing to catch up with Bridge.

A look of knowing, and realization hit Syd. "It's Bridge..." she whispered, then it got louder.

"It's Bridge" she yelled as she ran to go find Sky and confirm her suspicions.

She soon caught up with them and ran up to them, obviously interrupting a conversation, and also obviously not caring.

"IT'S BRIDGE!" she yelled looking at Sky, who had a total shocked look on his face.

'She had figured it out, but how?!' he thought horrified.  'Am I that obvious?!' he tried to cover for his shocked expression.

"Yes Syd...very good observation, That is Bridge..." he said pointing to the green ranger.

When he looked down at Syd, he was met with an all-knowing smirk that obviously meant 'We are sooo gonna talk later'.

She then proceeded to run down the hall clapping.

I turned back to see a confused Bridge.

'Which may I add, is is CUTEST look EVER!.' Sky mentally added

"What was that about?!" he asked completely confused. Sky did the only thing he could, he covered.

"I think she likes you, man." he stated with a sympathetic smile

Bridge shuddered. and mumbled an "Ewww." and walked off leaving a confused Sky.

Obviously Sky was not meant to see him shudder, or hear the 'Eww' that followed.



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