Gutter Rat

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•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color
•S/C: Skin Color

Author's POV:

Author's POV:___________________________

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Thunder roars as rain mercilessly pounds at the top of a cardboard box, gradually destroying it with every drip. It was as though the angels themselves were weeping for the poor figure sleeping inside, cold and hungry. Y/N's body hardly fit inside the damp container, so she had to remain curled up with her knees tucked to her chest with trembling hands clutching her arms. Her raggedy clothes did little to keep her warm in the harsh weather conditions and stuck to her skin in an uncomfortable manner due to the fabric being soaked through. The woman breathes out a puff of visible air from her quivering lips, while, in the distance, the sound of shoes tapping against the pavement grows nearer as a man turns into the alleyway.

He decided to take a shortcut home to get out of the rain before the storm can get any worse. Thankfully, he has his black umbrella in hand to keep his head of raven hair dry. He was humming a cheerful tune when he heard heavy breathing come from the trash beside him. Naturally, he got curious and looked down at the cardboard box tipped on its side before squatting down a bit to see what's inside. He expected to see a stray dog or cat, not a person. Amethyst eyes grow wide in surprise as he reaches in to lift the homeless woman's hood. He recognized her as the woman who had strayed into his shop just a few days ago.

'What is she doing out here?' Looking her over, the reason was clear. She had no place to go. This was home to her, sadly. A soft frown forms on the man's pink lips while staring at the female in pity.

'Poor thing.' Looking back and forth, he finds no person nearby, meaning she's all alone out here in this dreadful storm.

'I can't leave her like this.' With his mind made up, the figure dressed in royal blue robes holds the stick of his umbrella between his right shoulder and neck before extending his arms to pull the woman out of the box. He's surprised by how light she is, and she doesn't even stir from her deep slumber. It takes him a moment to wrap her arms around his neck and slip an arm under her knees. He holds her in a way that puts most of the woman's weight on his shoulder in order to grab his umbrella to hold it above the both of them as he walks.

A few minutes pass before he reaches the door to his magic shop and goes inside to get his guest warmed up. He continues the song he was humming earlier softly as he slips into the back room and carries her to the small space upstairs, where he lives. He brings her body to the full size bed and lays her on it before slipping off her worn down shoes to place them on the floor. He then covers her drenched body with a white comforter, which she instinctively cuddles into to be wrapped in its warmth. Gradually, her shaking fades, causing the shopkeeper to smile slightly.

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