Journey - Part 7

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Part 7

Their morning goes by in a blur. Val made them both some coffee. They had some bagels, so they didn't have to put in much effort. They want to save all the energy they can for today. Nyla's specialist will be with them at the hospital for most of the day. They are excited yet nervous to hear what he has to say and see how Nyla handles what is to come.

They have showered, packed some snacks, packed some new sweet outfits for Nyla. They have a bag packed for her just in case. Ever since she's been getting good results they've had her going home bag ready and her car seat in the car.

"Jen, you ready?"

"I think so. I wish I felt more awake. I'm afraid I won't be able to process what they are telling us."

"Why?" Val asks as he opens the door that leads to the garage. "Why do you feel so tired?"

"I don't know. I slept last night."

"How often did you wake up?" He asks as they climb into the car.

"I stopped counting that long ago."

"Was last night more than normal?"

"I don't really remember. I'll be fine. I'll wake up. Once they start talking, I'm sure I'll be all ears and forget about my tiredness. Holding her will help too."

"Just seeing her always makes things better."

"Just think, she could be coming home very soon" Jenna says with a smile.

"I'm hoping tonight."

"That would be amazing. I'm telling myself to expect tomorrow so I'm less disappointed if she doesn't come home tonight."

"That would be smart" Val sighs. "I just really want her home."

"So do I but I want her to come home all set. I don't want to have to worry more than we have to. If that means staying a few more days, I'll be fine with that."

"Yea, I guess so."

"We have to let out families know when we find out. They are going to want to come. I've been talking with both Moms. They are ready to come whenever they get the call."

"But do we want a few days to ourselves?"

"We've had all this time with her here to ourselves."

"I know but this will be different Jenna. There will be no nurses. No doctors. No wires or monitors keeping us in one spot. There will be no other sad parents or sick babies around. When she comes home, it will truly be just us and our baby girl for the first time. Don't we want that time?"

"It would be lovely, but we'll have plenty of time just us three. It would be nice to have our Moms who have experienced having newborns come home around to help us. You know how they are. They'll love on her and us but will make sure we are doing the work."

"You're right. It will be nice to have everyone together too. Maks and Peta will want to come around too with Shai and Cleo."

"That's fine. It will probably be better to have everyone come at the beginning and then we go from there."

"If you're sure."

"Stop stressing Val. Oh, I told Meryl she and Fedor should come when they can too. I'm sure that won't be right away, but she said they'll come."

"Good. You let me know when I can tell the Dancing fam to come. Certainly not all at once."

"Why not? Maybe we can just have an open house a few days in. Then anyone who wants to come meet her can come without any real pressure on us to figure out who should come when."

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