'' Thank you, '' I muttered and nodded at her before turning around and running in the direction of the street with Nai hurrying behind me. When we reached it I instantly stopped, noticing the way there were no doors or windows on either side of it. '' Nai, quickly check the walls for hidden entrances! '' I ordered and hurried to the end of the street, ending up in another main one that was full of people. There I stopped again, looking around and scanning the area until my eyes stopped on an old woman that seemed to be just finishing sweeping the ground in front of her shop. I ran closer to her, not even minding to be discrete again. Earlier I felt like Nai and I were running out of time, but now it finally seemed like we were getting closer to finding out what we wanted to. '' Excuse me! '' I spoke up, catching the woman's attention. I quickly described Arashi, Kaito and Renshou to her, asking if she saw them. 

She leaned on her broom and thoughtfully frowned. '' Let me think... '' she murmured and narrowed her eyes. Then she looked at me again and shook her head. '' I haven't seen anyone that would fit your description today. I wasn't outside the whole morning, but I can see the street well from inside the shop and I'm sure I would notice someone like the people you're looking for... But there was... ''

My eyes slowly widened. '' There was what? '' I instantly asked, trying not to get my hopes down too fast. 

She shrugged. '' Sometime this morning... I don't know what that was, maybe just my imagination, but I'm pretty sure that for a few seconds... I heard a really strange buzzing sound in the sky. Like... '' 

'' Bees, '' I whispered and quickly nodded to her a few times. '' Thanks so much, you have no idea how much you've helped me. ''  

'' Natsu! '' Nai yelled at the same time and reached me and the old lady that seemed to look more confused every second. '' There is no hidden doors in that street. ''  

I looked at him and grinned. '' It doesn't matter. And you can catch your breath a little, because I have another job for you. I don't know exactly where Arashi, Kaito and Renshou went, but I know that it's somewhere up in the sky. ''  

'' We're flying again? '' Nai asked and lowered his head with sadness. He sat on the sidewalk, surrounded by a gloomy dark aura. '' I'm going to start hating flying because of you, Natsumi... '' he muttered, looking depressed. '' Arashi, Kaito and Renshou probably went to the place where Arashi was maintaining the game, right? '' 

I nodded, serious again. '' Yeah... '' I muttered and already wanted to add something else when I remembered that the old lady that I was asking for information was still standing next to us and looking at us with wide eyes, full of confusion, but also curiosity.  

'' Maintaining what...? '' she slowly spoke up after we kept looking at each other for a few moments. 

I flinched and my eyes widened with shock, then I smiled innocently. '' That's... That's our code word for... bird watching! Yeah, we are going bird watching! '' I quickly said, thought for a second and then nodded again, thinking that the excuse wasn't so bad. 

The old lady seemed even more confused at first, then she smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. '' Whatever you say, girl... I hope that you two crazy kids won't get hurt during your... bird watching! '' she told me and patted my shoulder. '' Good luck with whatever you are actually doing, '' she added after that, a little more quietly and smirked at me and Nai before going back to her shop, carrying her broom with her. 

I stood there, a little confused, then I turned at Nai. '' Well, that was a little weird, but okay, '' I muttered and shrugged before looking at him again. My eyes narrowed and I glared at him. '' Get up, you lazy ass. I said that you can catch your breath, but I didn't mean that we'll take an hour break with that! '' I snapped and raised my foot, already planning to kick him. When he squealed and covered his face with his hands, trying to protect himself I froze and grinned. '' Just kidding! '' I said and held my hand in his direction. 

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