Chapter Two

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“Kate, do you remember the night your parent’s died and you miraculously survived?” asked Aunt Sara with a serious tone in her voice.

“Yes.” I remember, I always remember.

“Elijah here was the one who saved you that night.” What was I hearing? It can’t be.

I spoke up and exclaimed, “What?! But…but how?!”  

“I know it’s a little to take in.”

“A little? Finding out I was adopted or switched at birth would be little! This is beyond anything I could imagine and I am more confused than ever!” At this point I was ready to bust out in tears. How could I have never known this and how could no one have told me?

“I hate to say it, but there’s more,” my aunt said.

I was dumb founded. I didn’t know what to think.

There’s more, I thought, what else could there be?!

“Elijah is a vampire” my aunt pain strikingly blurted out. 

No way! Vampires don’t exist! They are scary, mythical creatures from movies and television shows.

“No, Kate, we are real and we’re not all bad,” said Elijah.

Whoa, what did he just say? He couldn’t have heard what I was thinking.

“Actually, I can.”

If you can then what am I thinking right now?

“You’re thinking that if I was actually hearing your thoughts then I should tell you what you’re thinking right now,” said Elijah in a bold voice, obviously not amused at my thought.

“How are you doing that?”

I thought vampires just sucked blood and slept in coffins, not eavesdrop on people’s thoughts.

“It’s a vampire thing I have, but not all vampires can do it.”

“Listen, I just want to know why all this is coming up now?” I asked.

“Kate, when Elijah saved you that night, he gave you his blood and he took some of yours in order to save you” Aunt Sara replied, “ and ever since then, he has been watching you and making sure you are safe, letting you have the life you wouldn’t have had if he didn’t save you.”

“I still don’t understand,” I said hesitantly.

“Kate, listen carefully. Once he saved you, you became a part of each other. Now, that you’re eighteen, it’s time for you to finally understand all of this and get to know Elijah.” Aunt Sarah had tears in her eyes that neglected to fall down her cheeks.

“It’s true,” said Elijah.

“I don’t have a choice in this do I?” I asked, lost in the amazement of what I learned in the past twenty minutes.

“No, you don’t. He is your mate now and you have to respect that.”

I’m his what?! This can’t get any worse.

“You are my mate. When a vampire gives you their blood and has a part of your blood inside them, the two hook a bond unbreakable by anyone. That’s why when you saw me and I told you to put the knife down you did. You automatically trust me.”

I guess I did trust him and he is incredibly beautiful. When I look at him it’s like I’m get sucked in a vacuum and I can’t break free.

“Well, I guess we need to get to know each other,” I said with a defeated sigh.

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