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I could smell the blood in the air and I knew something was wrong. The air churned with the smell of human blood and I knew someone was hurt really bad. I ran to the scene and, of course, it was worse than I thought.

The car was off the bridge in the water and screams rang from the vehicle. I jumped briskly into the water, looking for the crash victims. Dodging through car debris and wiping water, I finally got to the window. There sat a drowning man with a scratchy beard and a red haired woman with wide eyes. The woman was mouthing something. I tried to read her lips, but all I could make out was "Please, she is only four".

I turn to the back seat and there she sat, as beautiful as a doll, her brown hair flowing in the rising water. I broke through the glass and snatched her from the water that was dauntingly trying to make her its next victim.

She was still breathing, but covered in blood. I knew she was hurt. She coughed and slowly opened her pain stricken eyes. I explained that I was not going to hurt her and instead I would make the pain go away. With tears in her eyes, she gently nodded, letting me know that that would be okay.

I bit down on my wrist, for I didn't want her to see the fangs. I didn't want to scare her. She was different than other humans.

I held my wrist up to her mouth and told her to drink. She hesitantly pulled her mouth close and scoffed at the taste of my vampire blood. She drank until I told her to stop and I could already see her cheeks filling with red as the blood ran hot through her veins.

In an instant, my fangs were deep in her skin, with the tart taste of her blood inhaled fast for a moment. At first I wasn't sure why I had swiped the little four year old girls blood, but as I looked at her porcelain skin and innocent eyes, I knew my vampire sense unknowingly made me do it so that I will forever be with her. In that instant I knew that sometime in the future we would meet again.


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