Was the Percy Jackson movie that bad?

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Rick Riordan. A great author who had an idea to write a story about Greek Mythology has swept the globe. This sprouted many things. There were cosplays, actual recreation Camp Half Bloods, Fan Art, Fan fiction, disturbing fan fiction and of course two movies. Well, two unspoken movies. It was so bad that fans claimed to not talk about it, refusing to acknowledge it at all. Keep in mind that I'll be touching only the first movie.

I'll be talking about 3 most important questions of all time. "What went wrong?" "What if it was different?" and "Is it worth the hate?"

What went wrong?:

The plot. I'll say the first part of the movie was going the way it should be until we reached CHB. Then, it was nothing like the book. Well, except for the 'Journey to Hades' it was kind of accurate. Imagine seeing the movie without reading the book, I'll say the plot is alright. Not the best but more of a standard storyline. However, I've never get to see this characters developed. I don't want their character traits are. Is Grover the sidekick fun guy? Is Annabeth the sort-of girl next door type? No they immediately jumped into plot with no development. Reading the book, you'll know what they are like. Grover is a coward, Annabeth is the smart one but as newer fans who got introduced by the movie, they will get confuse. Next, casting. Great cast but why are they acting as 16 year olds? Next, inaccuracies. 12 year olds, the reveal of the Son of Poseidon, the epic battle with Ares, The major Oath. All are forgotten. And they all play a major role in the book. This are the ham to your burgers.

What if it was different?:

Let's say the movie was just like the book like how every wants it to be. What's the point? We're just seeing mindless acting when we could imagine the stuff in our heads. Our minds allow us to see things differently however we want to. Would you be satisfied with an exact replica of a book? No I wouldn't. Harry Potter changed a few things. I want to see something different not just something I imagined of the top of my head.

Is it worth the hate?:

This is more of a personal opinion and I want you all to comment yours. Personally, no. When watching the movie, I wasn't going "Nope, this scene should be like this or that" I was at the edge of my seat waiting to see what was next. I actually found myself enjoying it. It's not an adaptation, it's a re-imagine. It was bound to have different twist and turns to the story and characters. Compare it to the Sherlock Holmes series and Batman movies. Every now and then, there is a different interpretation of it, we have our favourites and accept other versions. I've seen Percy Jackson fan fics that re-wrote the first book but with different twists. Percy being a girl, Percy going with a twin sister and Thalia being the chosen one. The movie was just like that. It was a high budget, real life fanfiction. And to be honest, I love it.

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