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I took Elizabeth to the Infirmary as fast as I could. Once we arrived Faith opened the door and asked us what happened:

-Elizabeth is having the baby.

-Dr. Shepherd! Come, lay down here- she said while she pointed out a bed.

-Elizabeth, Jack. How minutes apart are the contractions?

We were a lot of time in the Infirmary. I saw Elizabeth there in pain, squishing my hand with all her strength, and that broke my heart. I knew how strong she was, and that she would do it just fine. Suddenly Dr. Carson said:

-In the next contraction start pushing okay?

-Okay- she said already exhausted.

We were both in a lot of pain, obviously she was in more pain that I was. I felt like she broke my hand, obviously it wasn't. If that hurted, I couldn't imagine in all the pain that she was.

Suddenly I heard a baby crying:

-It's a boy! Congratulations.

He showed us our little baby and we both started crying tears of joy. Then Elizabeth started holding him:

-Hello little Peter- she said in a soft voice.

I smiled and looked at Elizabeth, and she smiled back at me.

-Do you want to hold him?- she said after a tear fell to the bed.

I nodded, so she gently putted him in my arms. He had light brown hair, big blue eyes, and a beaautiful and cute smile. Then he yawned and we all saied "AWWWW". Suddenly we hear a knock on the door.

-Who is it?- Faith asked.

-Elizabeth's family- they said from the other side from the door- and her friends.

-Come in- she said trying to be quiet.

Everyone came in and saw him sleeping. They started congratulating me and saying he was very cute:

-What's his name?

-Peter, after Abigail's son, because Jack dreamt that he was there, and that gave him hope when I was unconscious.- Elizabeth said.

-Oh- Abigail exclaimed- I love it, thank you.

-He is the cutest thing I,ve ever seen.-RoseMary said, and then she looked at him thoughtful.

-RoseMary?- Elizabeth said, but she didn't answer- RoseMary?

-Sorry, I was just thinking.

  Elizabeth's POV

       Then everyone left. Jack stayed all night with me. Before we went to sleep Faith took the baby with her and left him in a crib near us. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Peter crying. That was when Faith told us I had to feed him. Once I did, I continued sleeping. Then I woke up in the morning very happy beacause, not only I had a son now, I didn't have morning sickness anymore. I looked to my side and didn't see Jack next to me. I asked Faith if she knew where he went, but she told me she didn't. Five minutes later I saw Jack coming in with some breakfast for me.  I ate everything. After I had breakfast we left the Infirmary and started going back home.

Sorry for the short chapter❤️

Jack's and Elizabeth's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now