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Jack's POV
    I knocked on every door and told everyone she was okay. Every time I announced that Elizabeth was okay a very big smile was drawn on my face. Even though it was very late, everyone was awake, maybe they were very depressed, so they couldn't sleep, just like me. I told Abigail and Pastor Frank and they ran to the Infirmary. We knocked on the door but Faith told us we couldn't come in, because she was checking that everything was alright with Elizabeth and the baby. Once the 10 longest minutes of our lives were over, we went in the Infirmary.
-Elizabeth!- Abigail said excited.
-I was so worried about you!
-We are glad you are okay-said Pastor Hogan
-How much time was I unconscious?
-Around three very long and sad weeks- I answered.
-Oh! That's why I'm so big now- she said and giggled
We all laughed. Then I remembered that her students made her get-well-soon cards, so we started seeing them. That made us laugh even harder, specially the cards from the little ones, because they wrote the S facing the other side.
    After 2 hours of laughing non-stopping Abigail had to look for Cody at school, and Pastor Hogan went with her. I asked Dr Shepherd when could she come home. He said she could go tomorrow, but she needed to stay calm until the baby was born.
    I held her in my arms to go home, because it was far away. Once we arrived she told me she missed the students too much, and we had a very long conversation about that. I told her to get some rest and sleep, and that was when I had a great idea.
     I started getting chairs and some little tables into our bedroom, and it was pretty big, so they fitted perfectly. I went running to the school to get all the books they needed. Once I got the books I left them at home and then went directly to the mercantile and got wood, nails, a hammer, white paint, chalkboard paint and chalks. When I arrived I made the structure of a chalkboard, then painted a part of it with the chalkboard paint, so she could write with chalks on it. Then I applied the white pain to the rest of the chalkboard. Then I realized that I had enough materials to make a crib that Elizabeth wanted. I made it and painted it with white, but it was too plain, so I decided to get more paint and put decorations on it. I painted some animals on it , so it could be for a boy or for a girl. I finished the crib and I was so tired that I fell asleep with a brush in my hand. That day I slept a lot, because I woke up the next morning. Surprisingly Elizabeth was still sleeping. I tidied up the room and then made breakfast. Once I finished I took Elizabeth's breakfast to bed. She woke up and was amazed with my work, and I explained:
-I made all this so the students would come here to have their lessons, and you could teach them but still be sitting down and calmed. I even made the chalkboard and putted some wheels on it so you could write and also show it to the students. I have another surprise for you, but I'll show you after school- I said, and then kissed her.
-Wow, Jack. It's amazing, I can't believe you did all this for me. And you even brought me breakfast to bed. I love you Constable Thornton
-I love you more Elizabeth Thatcher.
    After she ate breakfast I helped her to stand up so she could get dressed. Then we sat on the bed and touched her stomach and said:
-I can't wait for it to be here, it's growing very fast.
Then she smiled, but suddenly someone knocked the door. I went downstairs and found RoseMary with all the kids.
-Thank you for dropping them off RoseMary
-Oh! Thank YOU for having the idea, that are all sticky and loud. Goodbye.
-I want to ask you something, can you be obedient and make sure that Elizabeth stays calm?
-Yes but, Mountie Jack, I'm scared, because, what if it happens the same that last time?
-Don't worry, it won't. She's upstairs , so let's go
Elizabeth's POV
    I saw them running towards me. They all hugged me and told me that they prayed for me, that the the baby grew a lot and my heart melted when I heard that someone said she cried every night because she didn't know if I was going to be okay.
-Today we are going to learn about the PHOTOTHYNTESIS...
    We had a great lesson and then the children left our house. Curious I asked Jack what was the surprise and he showed me the best crib I've ever seen. It was white but it also had tiny animals painted on. The best part was that he made it with his own hands.
-Now I will get red paint, I will put some shelves and other things to get all the room ready- he said.
-Red for a girl?
-I think it's going to be a boy- he said- Do you like Peter for a boy?
-I love it.
-That's great.
-Talking about the baby...- I said- would you like a boy or a girl?
-A girl, so she would look as beautiful as you, but also a boy, and we could play sports together.
-Thank you- I smiled and blushed.
-And what would you like?-he asked back
-A boy, so I could put a little tie on him
    We spent hours and hours talking about the baby, names, what we should buy for the room, we had to buy baby clothes and even more things, so the next day we would buy all that.
1015 words!!It's not my best, but they are a lot for what I usually write Thanks for reading

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