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When we arrived, Carson received us and asked us what was wrong. I explained him that she had a really bad headache. He checked on Emily to see if she was alright.
-She is perfectly well- He announced- I'll give her some pills to stop the pain.
-When will she get her stitches out?- I asked
-Oh! Yes. What about tomorrow morning?
-I have school tomorrow morning, is it okay if you go with Jack?
-Okay- she said, not convinced at all.
Then Dr Shepherd gave us the pills so we headed home. When we arrived we got a glass of water and I gave her the pills. Then I went to bed with her.
-Mrs. Thornton?
-You named my mother but, do I have a father?
-I'm sorry Emily, you do, everyone does. The difference is that yours is in heaven. But he is watching over you, always.
-And... How did he die?
-In a mine accident. There was an explosion and your dad was there.
-I am trying my best to remember. I wish I could, but I just can't and that makes me sad- she said like she was disappointed on herself. Suddenly she started crying.
-Oh no! It's okay!We know you are doing your best.-I told her while hugging her-You are just frustrated right?
She nodded. I think it's just too much for a little kid, but life happens. They say that WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER.
I was there with her until she fell asleep. Then I was going to my bedroom but I had to change my objective and go to the bathroom because I felt sick. It was like morning sickness but in the middle of the night. I sat on the bathroom floor and let everything out in the toilette. Suddenly I feel that someone holds my hair and rubbed my back:
-Elizabeth, are you okay?
-I'm better now, thank you.
-Do you want me to get you a glass of water?
-Yes, thank you.
    Then I washed my face and my teeth. And then Jack came with the glass of water.
-Just sips, or you will feel sick again.
-Jack, can you go with Emily to get her stitches out tomorrow morning please?
-Yes of course, anything for you, my beautiful wife- and he kissed me- You brushed your teeth?
-Yes- I said laughing.
-Oh thank god- and he laughed.
    Then we went back to sleep until the morning.

Jack's POV
Next morning I woke up and went downstairs. There I saw Elizabeth making breakfast and Emily sitting silent in front of the table. That was weird because every morning she talked to Elizabeth while she was waiting for the breakfast to be ready.
-Emily, are you okay?
-They are going to take out my stitches today, does it hurt?
-Don't worry, you are going to be fine. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't.
    Then we ate breakfast and Elizabeth went to school and we went to the Infirmary. When we arrived Faith opened the door and received us. At that moment I could see that Emily was a little bit scared. Faith took us to the place where she would take out the stitches.
-Are you ready Emily?
-I think so.
    Then she started taking them off she started crying and told nurse Carter to stop.
-Emily, you have to be strong  and don't worry, I'll be here for you.
-Here, take my hand and hold it as tight as you like
    Successfully they took out all of her stitches and Faith congratulated her for being so brave.
-What would you like to do now? Go to school? Get some rest?
-Go to school.
-Okay, let's go.
    Then I dropped her at school and before she left she hugged me and said:
-Thank you for being with me, temporarily dad.
-Go, have a nice day.
-Thank you, you too.
    It was a long day, but finally, I was back from work, and so did Elizabeth and Emily. We ate dinner and everything went fine.
    I woke up next morning and Elizabeth was in the bathroom. It was the same that the other night. I also went offered her a glass of water and everything. I was almost sure that this would be start being a routine. I went to wake up Emily to go and eat breakfast but she said:
-Where is mom?
-Do you remember?
-Mountie Jack? Where am I?
-You are in Miss Thatcher's and my house
-Long story. I'll take you to your mother.
    I couldn't believe it. I was really happy she remembered. She forgot all we lived together, but it didn't matter because she remembered her whole life. It seems like her dreams told her everything she lived before. Very glad we took her to her mother which thanked us for everything we did. Now that I wasn't the whole day thinking about Emily I remember, I was going to be a father. And a little kid would call me dad , and not just temporarily dad, it would be forever.

Finally I did a "long" chapter. I know it is not long but this is my record 881 words!!

Jack's and Elizabeth's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now