The boy took a step closer to the senator. Crane didn't flinch. He simply lifted his chin and narrowed his gaze.

"You want to oppress people who have done nothing wrong," Chase said, his voice low and menacing. "You want to take away our freedoms for the sake of comfortability. But as long as me and my time are still here, that won't happen. I promise you that."

Crane flashed the boy his world-famous smile. "I guess we'll see."

"I guess we will."

The senator extended a hand towards him. The two shook hands, their steely eyes locked in a silent standstill. They stood like that for a few moments before Crane pulled his hand back.

"That's some grip you've got there, son," the man said while rubbing his wrist.

"Sorry about that. Guess I still don't know my own strength."

Crane chuckled darkly. "Guess not."

Chase took a glance around the area. The senator's campaign staff were milling around, making sure everything was in order in and around the stage for their boss' speech. They reminded him of worker bee's—mindless, yet efficient. He wondered if they truly believed in their employer's vision or if they were just in it for the paycheck.

It was hard to tell.

"You know," Crane started while fiddling with his silver cufflink, "I really don't see the need for Atlas' involvement here. My security team is more than equipped to deal with any threat that may arise."

Chase snorted. "No offense, but they won't be able to save you if a Prime decides to attack."

"With the PRA, no one will have to worry about that ever again."

His lip twitched as he narrowed his eyes at him. "Too bad it won't make it past the United Nations."

The senator grinned. "We'll see."

"Yes, we will."

As he glared at the stormy-eyed politician, one of his assistants scuttled over to him. They whispered something in his ear. His grin widened. A strange glint passed over his eyes. Chase tilted his head at him.

What was that?

Crane faced him. "It was lovely chatting with you, Sentinel, but I've got business to attend to. I'll leave you to your...mission." He gave him a curt nod before turning his heel and walking off in the other direction with his assistant in tow.

Chase watched him the entire way as he faded from view. Shaking his head, he pressed his finger to the communicator lodged in his ear. "Starchild, talk to me."

Static crackled before her familiar voice came through. He heard wind rustling in the background. While he had been securing the backstage area of the outdoor auditorium, Stella and Danai had been patrolling the skies in search of anything out of the ordinary. The rest of his team were scattered around the large plot of land Crane had occupied for his political rally. Some were mixed into the crowd while others guarded the outskirts.

If any of the rogue Primes were planning on showing up, they would find them. And they would stop any threat before it began.

They couldn't afford another loss.

"Everything's good up here," Stella told him.

"Vortex? How about you?"

Danai took a few seconds to respond. "Nope. Nothing." She cursed under her breath as a flock of birds seemed to pass by her. "Stupid air rats. I still can't believe we're protecting this clown. If you ask me, we should let these Primes off him."

Hidden Enemies | The Prime Archives #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now