Basement Bride - Chapter 2

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Tommy mumbled something about taking Robby's offer up. The mention of Robby had made her blood run cold. He was an old high-school friend of Tommy's. He'd been a drug dealer since he was fourteen and recently, he'd gotten into shipping prostitutes from country. She didn't speak another word  for the whole car journey. Finally, they arrived at Tommy's old house. It was the house he'd lived in before he'd moved in with Judy. He stepped out of the car, leaving Judy in the passenger seat. She watched him take a few steps away from her and make a phone call. She guessed it was to Robby. She could only make out a few words, like plane and friends and van, but she pieced together what was going on. She was going to be sold as a prostitute.

When Tommy came back, he'd had a mad glint in his eyes. He grabbed Judy and pulled her out of the car. He then hoisted her over his shoulder. Judy hadn't bothered to cry out, she knew no one would hear her. The house was in the countryside, and there was no one around for miles. She began to sob quietly into his shoulder. He grabbed some old bread and milk from the kitchen, then started to make his way down the basement stairs. Once at the bottom, he put Judy back down on her feet. He opened the door, threw the milk and bread inside, then turned to face Judy. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her eyeliner was running, causing the tears to turn a murky, dark-grey color.

 "Two men will be here soon to collect you, eat the food sparingly and don't even bother trying to escape, it's not possible, do you understand?"

Judy stared into his blue eyes she'd fallen so deeply in love with just four years ago. 

"Please' she'd whispered. "Don't do this"

And just for a moment, she'd thought she'd seen a glimpse of remorse in his eyes, a glint of pity. 

And then it was gone, and he'd pushed her in and locked the door and then crying and bawling and howling then turned to snivelling and sniffing, and then darkness creeped across the sky through the barred up windows. Then, black...

Basement Bride (ON REALLY LONG HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin