"How long do you think your mom will entertain him down there for?" asked Theo as he peeked through the opening.

"At least fifteen minutes if I think they're going to talk about what they're going to talk about. Why?" I answered and he smiled over at me.

"I have to leave in about half an hour," he said as he stood up and joined me on the bed, "Fifteen minutes should be plenty of time."

"Oh," I realized as he kissed my neck and then my cheek.

I turned to face him and we shared several long kisses. I smiled in between each and gladly fell under him when he pushed me onto the bed. He sat between my legs as we made out. My hands sat pressed against his chest keeping enough distance between us, but before we could do much more I heard a small giggle come from the door. Theo pulled away and looked over his shoulder to see Billy and his friend watching us.

"Great an audience," he commented as he climbed off of me.

"Billy, Matthew go away," I ordered as I got up and walked over.

They both scurried back across the hall into Billy's room.

"It's alright. I should go. My mom made it clear that she didn't want me driving a motorcycle in the dark, so the sooner I get back the better she'll feel," he said as he collected his things from beside the door.

"Okay," I agreed as I joined him at the door, "You know your way out, right?"

"Definitely," he chuckled as he looked down at me, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Bye," I said as we shared a quick final kiss.

I closed the door when he disappeared down the stairs and took a deep breath.

I was officially Theo's girlfriend.


Thanksgiving was over. I was back home and I couldn't be any less excited. I missed New York. I missed my friends in New York and I definitely missed the life of luxury we lived there with my grandmother. My grandmother had insisted my mother and I get the works done while there so she took us to the club to get our hair and nails done. I had traded in my dark wavy locks for a much rosier mauve ombre and my emerald green nails for a matte black. It was about time I had gone back to just black. I was tired of humoring my mom with lighter colors.

I got ready for the day. I pulled on a very big, black comfy sweater, over that a pair of vintage blue jean overalls, and then my black and white Chucks. I fixed my hair so it didn't look like I had just rolled out of bed and decided to go with a bare face look. I was still too tired from the drive home to consider doing anything else. I hurried downstairs with my bag and books in hand to see both my parents sitting at the table enjoying breakfast.

"Morning," I greeted awkwardly.

They hardly were ever in the same room together.

"Ren, good you're up. We're getting to think that we were going to have to write you a late note," joked my dad as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What's up, guys?" I asked as I held my folder close to my chest.

"Well, your dad and I were just talking about how it's been nearly a year since your recovery. We wanted to do a little something," answered my mom.

Recovery. Right. I was recovering.

"Okay? Can someone get to the point? At this rate I'll be at school by lunch," I pointed out and my dad smiled.

"We were thinking about giving you Will's old car," announced my dad.

I stared at both of them blankly.

"You mean Will's car that's at grandma's?"

They both nodded.

"Uhhhhhhh...can we just get me to school please?" I choked.

"Everything alright?" asked my mother. She now sounded concerned.

"Fine. Just--can I--go to school?"

"Yeah, sweetheart. Whatever you'd like," agreed my mom as she darted a nasty look over at my dad.

It must've been his idea.

"Great," I said as I lead the way out the door.

As if I wasn't tortured enough about Will being dead.

We drove to school in an uncomfortable silence. If I had sat a moment longer in the car I probably would have gone into a panic attack. I dashed out of the car without saying goodbye and then straight to my locker. It took me forever just to key the combination in right and it was even harder for me to get my books in. I pushed my hair back away from my face in attempts not to cry, but that went to hell very quickly.

"Lauren?" asked Tess behind me and I took a deep breath trying to compose myself.

I wiped my cheeks quickly and slapped a fake smile on my face, "Hi Tess."

"Are you okay?" she questioned.

"Fine," I agreed.

She frowned. "Lauren, if something's wrong, you can tell me."

"I'm fine," I insisted as I shut my locker, "Where's Theo?"

"Oh," she commented a little surprised, "Theo didn't call you?"

"Why would he call me? I've been in New York the past week or so," I replied fixing my bag on my shoulder.

She dragged me out of the hallway and closer to the bungalow we shared for first hour.

"Tess, what's going on?" I asked as she peeked around.

"Lauren, Theo relapsed," she whispered.

I stared at her blankly.

"He's home now, but my mom insisted he stay a few days home. You didn't know?" she questioned and I shook my head no.

How could he? He was the one who pushed so hard for me to be clean. He genuinely got upset when he found out I had been cutting again.

"I didn't even know he was doing stuff again," I admit.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

"And here we thought you were the one who encouraged it," she said with a hint of guilt in her voice.

"I would never," I made clear, "He had insisted that he was getting clean for you and your mom. He was proud that his arms were finally cleaning up."

"Oh. No. He didn't relapse that way, Lauren."

"Then what way?" I asked and she gave me another blank stare.

"Maybe it's not my place," she whispered.

I chuckled in disbelief. "I cannot deal with this right now, Tess. It's already been a shit morning. Tell me. Don't. I don't care right now."

"He's your boyfriend, Lauren. I think you should be and the fact that you didn't even know makes me wonder if you even know my brother," she snapped and I folded my arms in front of my chest.

"I've dated your brother all of a week and a half maybe. Even then he was more concerned about what I was doing. Do not point fingers at me for something I am not involved in," I replied.

She rolled her eyes, "Well my brother, your boyfriend, besides the cutting was addicted to cocaine. You think the cutting was induced by nothing? When Theo didn't have what he needed he found something to keep it quiet."

"You're lying," I announced.

She shook her head no, "What did he tell you?"

"Do you have your car?" I asked and she nodded, "Can I borrow it for first hour?"

"Do you have a license?" she questioned a little hesitant.

"I have a license and insurance. My parent encouraged me to learn to drive, but I don't for lots of reasons," I said and she dug through her bag.

"Here," she said handing me her keys, "Be back by second hour please."

"I will. This won't take long," I assured as I hurried away from our class and into the parking lot.

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