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It's been almost 21 years since Leo brought home a new-born Baby Eva but since then Leo has not been in her life.. She is now almost 21 years old she has dark brown hair and pale green eyes, she is very smart she finished high school at the age of 13 she'd finished College and now she's a fully qualified Paediatrician and she in her first as a resident at San Francisco Memorial Hospital she's a kind caring and very lovely young Women, Cole is still Eva's whitelighter which neither Phoebe or Paige were happy about but Cole has proven over the years that he will not only protect Eva but Wyatt Chris and Melinda too. Eva is close to all three of her siblings and she has a strong bond with Piper and Chris, Eva is a black belt in three forms of martial arts she is very skilled at writing spells and making potions. Eva's powers are telekinetic orbing, orbing and temporal stasis. Eva and Chris share an apartment not too far from the Manor. AN. Eva knows about the curse who her birth parents are and who her sister is. AN. I know in the first episode I said there was a 10 year age gap between Emma and Eva but I changed it so there is only a 7 year age gap okay.


Saturday afternoon. 3:30 pm

Eva and her brother Chris both have the afternoon off from work and are watching a movie Its the day before Eva's 21st birthday so they are at the Manor while everyone else is busy They are just about to sit down and watch another movie when someone rings the doorbell

Chris: I wonder who that is?

Eva: I'm not sure, but not any member of the family doesn't ring the bell and last time I checked demons don't ring the front doorbell I'll go find out (Eva gets up and goes to the front door)

She opens the front door to reveal a little boy no older than 10 years old

Eva: Hi Can I help you?

Boy: Hi are you Eva Halliwell?

Eva: Yes, who are you?

Henry: My name is Henry I think you're my Aunt

Eva(Shocked) I think you'd better come in

Eva steps aside and lets Henry come into the Manor

Eva: Follow me

Eva leads Henry into the living room

Eva: OK this is one of my brothers Chris, Chris this is Henry I'm just going to go call my Mom ok

Eva quickly goes into the kitchen and grabs the phone and dials the number for her Mom's restaurant. Piper answers

Piper: Hello Destino 's restaurant Piper Halliwell speaking

Eva: Hey Mom

Piper: Hey Honey I thought you and Chris were having a Movie day?

Eva: So, did I until a little boy turned up on the doorstep and said that he thinks that I'm his Aunt. Do you think this has something to do with the curse, my birth parents or my twin sister?

Piper: I don't know honey maybe listen I'm coming home I'll be there soon ok

Eva: Ok thanks Mom see you soon bye

Piper: Bye Honey

Eva hangs up and puts the phone back and then heads back into the living room where Henry is talking to Chris

Eva: Ok my Mom is on her way home ok Henry

Henry: I'm telling the truth you're my Aunt

Eva: I know all about the curse Henry about who my birth parents are and who my twin sister is

Henry: You do really?( he takes his backpack off and takes out his storybook)

Eva: Yes, but Henry why do you believe in the curse?

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