Chapter 14-I'll Be Watching You

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Vince POV

SON OF A FUCKING WHORE! This asshole shot me. I wince and seethe in pain as I limp away to the woods. I arrive back to the home I have been staying and look for a first aid kit. The bullet went clean through to my skin and I was bleeding profusely. I carefully wrap my wound and pour alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in the wound. It burns like a motherfucker but I don't fucking care. II search around the home to look for a weapon to use and I find a small pistol tucked away in a closet with spare bullets and a holster. Now, I know that Charlie is armed and doesn't care if he does shoot me. I can attack him back. I lay on the couch with my arm in place and begin counting down to when I can kill Charlie. 

The Next Day

I wake up with the sound of people chattering. The couple that owned the home I had stayed in came back. I quickly grab my shit and run. Luckily, they didn't see me. I walked away and stay in the woods. I can hear police sirens rushing past me as I try to stay hidden. As I am walking further in the wood, I stumble upon a small shack. The door was open and I walk in. I walk in and see that the shack has a 'basement' that was stocked with knives and chains. I decided that it was now time to take Riley. After being able to secure a stolen car, I drove to Riley's home and waited. She and Charlie are walking out of the house to their car. I then walk out of the vehicle and shoot Charlie in the chest. Riley begins screaming in which I come from behind, knock her out and carry her limp body to the backseat of my car. I immediately drive off, leaving Charlie to bleed. Finally, I have Riley to myself and I can take full advantage of her. Unbeknownst to me, I was being watched.

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