Chapter 6

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The next morning:
Clairvoya walked towards Nightlight in their den. She saw him facing the wall. "Nightlight, my visions from long ago are coming true ever since Faith was born. I never thought that she'd be the one. It might be too much pressure on her but I'll have to tell her soon" Clairvoya wagged her tail in excitement.

Nightlight was thinking deeply about something. He sighed sullenly. "Is something the matter Nightlight?" Clairvoya asked.

"No, it's not important" he turned his head to look at her and back to the wall.

"Are you sure?" Clairvoya asked.

Nightlight was getting annoyed as he answered with a growl, "Yes!"

She still didn't think he was fine as he said but she chose to let it go. "I'm going to go talk with Breeze and Blade." Clairvoya left Nightlight alone to mourn.

Nightlight looked up as he still faced the wall. "Why brother? Why couldn't it be me that was destined to protect the village. I had to protect it before Faith was born. What does she have that I don't? I evolved. I am much stronger, more experienced and older than her. I should have been the answer not her. I'll show you who would be the best to protect this village. I'll show everyone and prove them that the prophecy is nothing but a hoax" he said. He got up and walked out of the den without another word.

Faith woke up with a cold wind blowing in her face. When her eyes gradually opened from sleep she saw a ghostly Leafeon in front of her.

"Petunia?! What are you doing here?" Faith asked.

"You better come with me bud" she replied.

Faith followed Petunia back to the same area of the forest where she met them. The other seven spirits were there.

"Why did you bring me here?" Faith asked.

"I told you we'll meet again. We're going to teach you how to transform" Sakura said.

"Transform?" Faith asked.

Sakura nodded. "Close your eyes, Faith." She brushed her tail across her face which made Faith shiver a bit from the cold touch, but she did as she was told.

"Good now relax. Just imagine yourself as a Psychic type and feel the sun's warmth on your fur" Sakura whispered softly. She did as she was told and imagined herself as an Espeon using Psychic powers. The sun's warmth felt good in her fur and she felt very relaxed. Sakura watched her carefully.

Suddenly a bright light came from Faith as she grew into a larger Pokémon. The same size as Sakura. When the bright light dissipated she was now an Espeon. Faith's eyes were still tightly shut.

"Come on little one open up your eyes now" Sakura smiled.

Faith opened her eyes as she now saw that she was the same size as Sakura. She looked down to see velvet slender legs and dainty paws. She wasn't an Eevee anymore, she was an Espeon.

"I-I evolved?!" Faith said.

"Not exactly. It won't last long so you'll have to wait tell the right moment to use it" Sakura said.

"Great! So I'm like a Pokémon version of Ben 10 now?" Faith asked.

"Maybe but you can only evolve into 1 of 8 Eeveelutions at a time not 1 of 10 sadly" Sakura asked.

"Well that's disappointing" Faith thought.

"How about we train you to make your Psychic type moves stronger" Sakura said.

"Okay" Faith answered.

"Good. How about we try Psychic" Sakura replied. "Try levitating this rock." Sakura points to a small rock on the ground in front of Faith.

Faith focused on the rock as she concentrates on trying to make the rock float in the air. She closed her eyes and imagined that the rock would rise up in the air. Her gem began to glow as the rock rose above the ground.

"You're doing it" Sakura replied.

"I am?" Faith asked as she opened her eyes. The rock fell to the ground as she did so.

"It was a good start" Sakura said encouragingly. "But I think that's enough now. We should bring you back before anyone finds out that you're missing again. Petunia, will you bring her back?"

"Of course. Come on Faith" Petunia stated.

Faith became an Eevee again as she collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

"Tired, Huh?" Petunia replied.

"Yeah, a little" she responded.

"Come on, we should get you home before you fall asleep" Petunia said.

"Farewell, Faith! We're train more tonight" Sakura told her.

"Bye!" Faith followed Petunia back to the village.

Yay! Another chapter finished!! Another chapter coming soon. Hope you enjoyed ^U^

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