The Stars

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It's happened last night,
I saw those beautiful stars in the sky
My eyes feel fresh
When I saw so many of stars in the sky
I see the stars when  I'm on the land or at the ground
I see those twinkle stars when I'm  in the car.

I think
I'm going back to that day
When I'm saying
"Beautiful Night"

"Subhanallah" it's too beautiful, wonderful and precious
You know what , I think I saw a galaxy right now!
Because the stars is so many
Constlation, I could see those things!
Yes, I'm smiling right now
By looking at the stars

In al Quran
Allah said about the Stars
He said about why he create the stars in surah Al Mulk in tafsir al Quran.
Allah also said in surah Al-Hijr:
Dan sungguh, Kami telah ciptakan gugusan bintang di langit dan jadikannya terasa indah bagi orang yang memandang (nya).
(Surah Al-Hijr: ayat 16)

And in al Quran had the surah named An Najm, means The Star
And also a surah Al - Buruj means Constlation.

It's amazing right?

When I saw those red stars
There will be three star straight
Near the red stars
I see there's two brightest star in the sky
But it color was different
I think you know this.

Allah still give me lives
To saw this beautiful stars
It's so beautiful
No matter how many times
I see the Stars
The feeling is never gone

The Stars
I love the stars very much
Thanks to Allah, my God
I still have this chance
To see those beautiful stars
In the night

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