people, friends & bestfriend

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I meet a lot of people
There's so many characters I saw
And I have a few friends
That I can talk with
But I have no bestfriend
That can accept me on who I am

I don't want many bestfriend
It enough if there's just one
But the one is really rare to find
The one , who can really
Want to be my friend until jannah
The one can help me
The one, that I can share my feelings
The one that want to be friends with me because of Allah
The one that appreciate me
The one that can be with me whenever what happened
That's the one
I really want as my bestfriend

*In the first stanza I get that from some Hyouka quotes but...I change it a little or plus another words.

Voice Of HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora