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Ruby cracked open an eye. She couldn't see much, just bright orange. Sand stuck under her finger nails and grated against her cheek. There was intense heat on her back. Was she on a beach?

Her hands sank into the hot sand as she struggled to lift herself up. Her attempt failed. Everything ached. Her bones had been broken and rebuilt a thousand times over. Her cells had been torn apart and fused back together with stolen energy. Her throat was raw. From screaming or thirst, she wasn't sure. Was she in hell? It was certainly hot enough. Sweat trickled into her eyes and her ruined clothes stuck to her skin.

Ruby rolled onto her back and relaxed at the sight of the blue sky. Blue like Tom's eyes. Blue like Optimus' eyes. 

She should get up and see if everyone was okay. But her stomach roiled at the thought of movement and breathing was hard. Really hard. Blood crusted beneath her nose. It cracked as she moved her mouth. She couldn't make sound come out.

Then she heard a voice that made her heart plummet.

"Don't touch it. He doesn't like it."

Ruby turned her head in the direction of Quintessa's voice. 

Clad in flowing lilac fabric, the creator looked human from the back. And beyond her, towering over the sand dunes, was a giant metal horn. 

Ruby gasped.

Quintessa turned to her. She really was human, with long black hair and tanned skin. 

"Ah, Ruby, my darling. So glad to see you are awake. We have much to do."

---THE END---

Yay it's finally finished! Many thanks to everyone who read, voted and commented, your encouragement and plea for updates was what got me to write until the very (bitter) end. 

I will be taking a hiatus from Ruby's story to work on my original novels, but I'll still be active on wattpad. 

Thanks again! xxx

PS, if you've seen the Last Knight movie, what did you think to the plot about Merlin's staff? 

Ruby - Transformers: The Last KnightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ