❥ chapter XXXIV

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"She called us yesterday," a voice said at that moment. It stood out from the babel of voices because it sounded familiar. You recognized it as Kai's and immediately looked around, spotting him, Selene, and a suntanned boy (who you assumed was Hau, their mutual best friend) a short distance away. "She told us she and her brother are coming by ship from Kanto and will arrive in Spica City in a couple of days."

Hau lifted his arms above his head, interlaced his fingers, and stretched. A contented smile spread across his face a moment later whereas Selene screwed up her mouth in disgust. "Ma-a-an, I can't wait to see them again!"

Selene's grimace melted into a nostalgic smile that softened her eyes as well. "Me neither." But then, a frown tightened her features once more as she took a glance at her watch and looked around afterwards. "I wonder where [Name]—ah." That was when she caught sight of you approaching her and the two boys with your Pokémon in tow.

"Hey, guys," you greeted them with a smile and a wave. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on my way here a couple of times."

"There you are! It was about time. I'm glad you finally made it. Sure took you long enough," Kai teased, playfully winking and nudging you with his elbow. "Did you at least find what you lost?"

"Yeah, thank Arceus."

"Alola!" Hau said, butting in on your conversation. Jostling Kai, he took his place in front of you and beamed at you—an infectious kind of smile. "You're [Name], right? Kai and Selene already told me a little about you. I'm Hau! Nice to meet you!" He grabbed your free hand for a hearty, cordial handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Hau. They told me a bit about you as well. Hey now, take it easy there, cutie." That last sentence was, of course, not directed at Kai's and Selene's friend, but at Rineis whom you were still holding in your arms because you had insisted on continuing to carry him even after he had calmed down. But now that all eyes were on him and eyeing him curiously, his shyness got the better of him. He was squirming in your arms. As soon as you had set him down, he took cover behind you, peeking out from his hiding place.

"Wow, look at that! A shiny Pokémon!" Hau stared intently at Rineis, which only caused the Feeling Pokémon to withdraw completely behind your legs. His iron-grey eyes were sparkling with almost childish excitement that increased at the sight of the other Ralts siblings who puffed herself up. "And not just one, but two!"

"Are those all your Pokémon?" Selene asked as she gazed at your Pokémon team standing behind and next to you, and you gave a nod. "I've heard of Trainers being followed by one of their Pokémon, but not their whole team at once."

With a sheepish smile, you scratched your neck. "Me neither. I'm new to all this and thought it'd be nice being with my Pokémon all the time—which it definitely is—but it sure draws a lot of attention." You cast an eloquent glance towards your five Pokémon.

Amra nodded ever so slightly. She seemed to have understood what you were getting at—and so did Raleia because she frowned.

"You must have a really strong bond with your Pokémon for them to follow you wherever you go. That's pretty amazing! You really are some kind of Trainer," Hau said. You could only just squeeze in a flattered "Thanks" before he was already on to another topic. "What's with that Egg the Audino is holding?"

At this, your gaze flitted towards Amra—or more precisely, the Pokémon Egg of unknown origin safely encased in the glass container in her arms. Luckily, it had survived the journey so far unharmed. It was all thanks to the Hearing Pokémon who had been (and still was) keeping a watchful eye on it. "Oh, it's a gift from Professor Hyperion. I don't know what Pokémon is going to hatch from it, though. I'll just have to wait and see."

"Well," Kai piped up and proceeded to get back to the original topic, the reason why you had met up here in the first place, "as long as your Pokémon don't slow us down during our sightseeing tour, I don't mind them following you around. Let's go already! We don't have all day!" He beckoned the three of you to follow him with a wave of his arm while he was already running off.

As you turned to follow your friends, someone brushed past you on the crowded pavement, and you bumped into each other. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," you said, throwing the stranger a fleeting look and an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry about it. It was my fault," the young woman with eye-catchingly white hair and silver eyes replied. She seemed to be as much in a hurry as you because she merely glanced at you as though to make sure that you were alright, and then rushed on ahead.

You did the same, running after Selene, Kai, and Hau, your five Pokémon hot on your heels, and catching up with them shortly afterwards. And thus, your party of nine (including your Pokémon) began your more or less self-guided walking tour of the port city.

Destiny [Pokémon]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat