Chapter Twenty Nine - Leaving Party

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The summer had truly begun, it was amazing. The group kicked it off by taking a road trip to a beach further away from them. It was about a two hour drive and Ellie was stuck driving with Cooper, Luke and Summer and a huge bag that sat in the middle seat in the back.

The first hour consisted of Luke singing to Summer and Ellie and Cooper sitting in a huff in the back seat because Summer called shotgun. He cheered up once she told him that he was sharing a room with Ellie and only Ellie in the hotel she had booked for us. It was a blistering hot day so all the windows were down and just to add to the cliche, the music was loud.

They arrived at the hotel they would be staying at for a few days, in one piece. Ellie almost got them lost as she drove off onto a road that ended with a whole bunch of trees at the end. Turns out it was a one way path and a no driving zone so she had to reverse all the way out, trying not to kill any walkers on her way.

The hotel wasn't anything special, pretty much all the group could afford once they threw money together but it wasn't bad. It was three stars and the rooms were fine for them. They couldn't get all the rooms on the same floors so they were dotted all over the hotel but that didn't matter because Ellie was in a room with Cooper.

The first thing he did when they entered our room was jump on one of the two single beds that were in here.

"They squeak really loudly" He frowned "And we'll be pushing these together"

"Whatever makes you happy" Ellie smiled at him as he pushed both beds together

"See that works" He smiled to himself

"But they still squeak?" Ellie aid

"Yeah but i mean i can get over that" He smirked "We'll just have to make more noise to drown out the noise of the squeaks"

"Everyone on this floor is going to love us" Ellie grinned sarcastically

Ellie and Cooper didn't stay in the room for too long as they promised to meet up with everyone so they could go get food and go down to the beach. The beach was very busy and it turned out there was some sort of summer party going on and there were actually a lot of people their age there. Somehow the group managed to split up and Ellie found herself at a bar with Summer where two boys offered to buy them drinks which of course Summer accepted. Ellie just shrugged and went along with it. Summer got into a conversation with the boy she was interested in leaving Ellie with the other.

"I don't want to make this awkward or anything but i have a boyfriend" The boy shrugged

"Don't worry about it, i have a boyfriend too" Ellie smiled

"I'm Louis" He smiled

"Ellie" Ellie grinned

The awkwardness which had filled the air before evaporated away as they began to talk about his boyfriend. They talked for ages and he bought Ellie more drinks and they ended up switching numbers. He was such a lovely, funny guy and he kept making Ellie come in selfies with him. One of our selfies was cut short when Cooper approached them.

"Hey Cooper" Ellie smiled "This is Cooper, my boyfriend" Ellie added directing it at Louis

"Yeah who is this guy?" Cooper asked in a not so polite manner making Ellie frown

"Oh don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going to steal your woman" Louis smirked

"I know you're not" Cooper said

"Although i would if i was straight" Louis winked at Ellie making her laugh

Ellie could feel Cooper instantly relax next to her once Louis had made it clear that he was in fact gay and not out to steal Ellie from him.

"Well there's my man so better go" Louis said pointing to a wildly attractive boy who was smiling over at them

"All I can say is well done Louis" Ellie laughed. He laughed, understanding what she meant and left saying goodbye.

"I didn't know he was gay" Cooper defended himself before Ellie even got a chance to say anything

"Well you don't just assume things" Ellie said poking his chest "You think I would leave you"

"You're slurring your words a bit, how much have you had?" He chuckled

"I don't know" Ellie shrugged letting out a giggle

"What are you even drinking?" He asked picking up her cup which contained a pinkish liquid

"Its a strawberry daiquiri" Ellie smiled "Louis got me it"

"I think Louis got you drunk" He smiled

"I think Louis is a wonderful person" Ellie said "Lets go dance with him and his boyfriend" Ellie added jumping off her seat and dragging Cooper by the wrist

Ellie was drunk. There wasn't any denying that. Everyone could probably tell by the way she was dancing. She got more drinks handed to her but she wasn't the only one who was drunk. Louis' boyfriend was also drunk and was cuddling everyone around him. Louis had to leave and take him home to bed but Ellie and Louis promised they would stay in touch.

The group continued partying until past midnight but Cooper took Ellie back to the hotel because she was drunk beyond belief but not drunk enough to forget anything. He took off her outfit and tucked her up in bed and she was out like a light.

"Ellie" she heard a whisper in her ear

"Hmm" Ellie groaned not wanting to open her eyes

"It's eleven in the morning, come on so we can go get breakfast" Cooper said

"My head hurts" Ellie said opening one eye to see him smirking down at her

"That was your friend Louis' fault" He laughed "Come on, we'll get you painkillers from somewhere

The rest of the time they spent there was really much the same as that night although Ellie got a lot less drunk. She met up with Louis a few times too. It was basically just a party week, exactly what they needed after a month of exams.

When they got back to their homes, Summer and Emily began to work on this party they had been planning for a while. They turned it into a party to celebrate them finishing school, getting into universities and Ellie leaving. Everyone they liked was invited and also our families were invited. It was to take place in Emily's back garden where she had a pool. It turned out to be a really hot day, so it worked out perfectly.

"Beer" Cooper said approaching me

"Thank you" Ellie said taking the bottle from him

"I still can't believe you're leaving in a couple of months" He said as they sat down on the garden chairs

"I know, it's a little scary" Ellie said "But i am excited"

"I'm sure you will fit in" He smiled "You'll have an amazing time"

"Of course i will, i'll miss you though" Ellie said

"We'll see each other, not as often but its not a goodbye" He said

"It's more like a 'i'll see you later' kind of thing" Ellie smiled

"Exactly, I'm not letting you go so you can run away with some American boy" He grinned

"I would never" Ellie laughed "No one will replace my beautiful boyfriend"

"Beautiful huh?" He grinned flexing his arms

"I regret saying that now" Ellie laughed

"I love you El" He chuckled

"I love you too Cooper" Ellie grinned

The party was amazing and they celebrated hard. People congratulated Ellie on her achievement and told her they would miss her. It hadn't really hit her that in a couple of months she would be leaving home and moving to a different country away from everything she had grown up with and considered normal. It's a huge change but she felt ready for it and she would never pass up the opportunity.

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