"I don't know, you would think a former god of death would do that." Sin smirked, helping Guren up to his feet.

"Attack an elementary school? I wouldn't think someone could ever do that unless they were insane." Guren grumbled, taking out his sword.

Satori chuckled in amusement. Shinigami probably went insane due to his daughter's death and Sin's fake death before the three goddesses had returned.

Shinigami must have heard Guren, since he used his magic to force water onto the group, mostly Guren.

Satori protected himself with his curse he learned to control, forcing the water off of Guren and the group.

"Will you be able to control the curse?" Joshua asked Satori as he noticed light shining in random places next to Guren.

"Hopefully, Joshua, hopefully." Satori smiled solemnly.

"Okay, I was not expecting that." Guren laughed quietly, looking over at Sin as he took out his whip.

"Screw talking to this guy, let's beat him up!" Sin screamed enthusiastically, charging at Shinigami.

Guren and Joshua followed his lead, taking out their weapons.

Satori had a plan whenever they attacked Shinigami. Create a light trap to trap him in with his curse.

Satori only hoped that Joshua, Guren, and Sin could handle Shinigami long enough for him to create the trap.

Sin jumped up in the air and did a flip, which made Joshua roll his eyes. "Show off," he mumbled, Guren laughing in response.

Sin landed the jump and charged at Shinigami, hitting Shinigami slightly with his whip.

Shinigami smirked as Sin landed three hits out of every twenty hits he tried to do. Shinigami formed a gun with Bishamonten's magic, aiming it at Sin.

"Can you outrun a gun, Tae-Wong?" Guren asked as he saw the gun.

"Of course," Sin replied, still trying to whip Shinigami.

Guren and Joshua ran around Shinigami, ready to attack.

Joshua started to throw his ring sword at Shinigami, who seemed to deflect it. Guren noticed this and charged forward with his sword, only to be stopped by Shinigami's hand that wasn't holding a gun.

Sin knew that if he even tried to grab Guren, he would get shot, and Sin did not want to risk getting shot.

Joshua, however, couldn't get close enough to actually hit Shinigami. His ring sword wasn't enough to break through the force field Shinigami had put up.

Guren and Sin's weapons were powerful enough, why wasn't Joshua's?

Guren tried to free his sword from Shinigami's hold, not knowing how the hell Shinigami was able to grab the pointy sword.

Guren saw this as an opportunity to inject Shinigami with the drug, using one hand to take it out of his pocket.

Shinigami seemed to notice, since he let go of the sword and grabbed Guren's arm instead.

"Shinigami, why'd ya become evil? You don't have to do this, you know." Guren said, wincing as Shinigami's grasp on his arm became stronger.

"I have to, you don't understand," were the only words Shinigami decided to muster out before pushing Guren with brute force into the force field around him.

Guren braced for impact as he was thrown, thinking that he'd make his way out of the force field and on the ground.

Guren was so very wrong.

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