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We continued packing until we dropped. After taping up the last box I feel to the ground and landed on my back. Devan came over and hovered over me. "Ok enough you two, remember, no monkey business!" Collins reminded us. "Well if you don't like it go into another room." Devan said laughing. Collins left the room and Devan laid down next to me. He put his arm around me and I put my legs on top of his. He kissed my forehead while playing with my hair. We quickly feel asleep... on the floor. "Aww how cute" I heard Collins says while I was half asleep. "What" I said rubbing my eyes. I got up and woke up Devan so we could go lay in a bed so we wouldn't have sore muscles in the morning.
When I woke up, Devan was gone! I freaked out a little and texted him. "Where r u?" I texted him. About 5 minuets later Devan came into the room with a tray full of breakfast food. "Aww Devan! Thank you so much! But where did you get this food?"
"I went to the grocery store, picked some things up" he laughed. We both sat in bed snuggling and eating breakfast. I texted Emma to ask her what time we were leaving tomorrow. She told me around 7 am.
The movers came that day and got all of the furniture and boxes and put it in the truck. Collins and Devan got to ride back to Colorado with us because they didn't have to drive the truck. Collins was going to drive their car and Devan and I would switch out between cars. The movers were super nice and were very fun to talk to. We helped them load the truck so it could get finished quicker. "Man I'm gonna miss this place" Devan said while touching the walls. "I'm sorry, but you'll love Colorado, there's mountains and snow and skiing. And we'll be together" I said while grabbing his hand. He kissed my check and laid his head on mine. We were sitting on the living room floor, watching Netflix on his laptop. We heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" Collins said racing to the door.
When he opened it my 3 friends were standing outside. "Abby said we could come by anytime, and we wanted to spend our last night with you guys." Kaitlyn said. Collins let them in and I went over and gave them a hug. They apologized for being jerks and Kaitlyn said she took that picture off of Instagram. "It's ok, I forgive you. Just please don't be so giggly and you know about Devan. He's a really good guy and a great boyfriend so please don't tease me anymore." They promised they wouldn't and we spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing to music. We left for Colorado early the next morning. I was disappointed we had to leave LA but I was glad I could continue my adventure with Devan in Colorado

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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