First Date

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"What should we do today?!" Kaitlyn acted like she had 10 gallons of coffee. "Woah woah woah slow down, what if we just rest today" Ashtyn said. "I've actually got plans..." I said "ooooo cool what are we doing?" Kaitlyn asked "No, I've got plans"
"With who?" Emma asked "Devan" I mumbled under my breath "huh?" They all said "I have plans with Devan" I said rolling my eyes. "Ohhhhhh we gotta dress you up" they all squealed. "No, I don't want him to like me for that. I gotta get dressed, don't wanna keep dev waiting too long" I said trying to get out of the conversation. " dev?" Ashtyn asked, almost in disgust. "Ya, it's a nickname I gave him, anyway enough about this I gotta get ready."
They all rolled their eyes.
I went downstairs in the lobby and just sat there waiting for Devan. It was nice being alone for a little bit. I went on insta and liked a few photos. "Hey" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Devan. I jumped up and gave him a hug. "Where to first" I asked. "Oh I have a few places in mind" He smirked. I just leaned back in my seat, I trusted Devan so I knew I was in for a surprise

We arrived at a restaurant and I sat there. "What's wrong?" Devan asked. "I just realized I have to go home in a few days... I don't wanna leave you" I said as tears filled my eyes. "Hey it's going to be ok, we're going to find away to stay together." He said while wiping my tears. "I heard long distance relationships are hard" I said tearing up again. "Who said it had to be long distance?" He said. A smile formed on my face but then I frowned. "Well I can't stay here forever" "you can't, but I could come back to Colorado with you." He said. " what?!" I looked at him in shock and confusion. "Yea, Collins and I have decided to move to Colorado" he said "wait are you serious?!?" I asked "yes!" I jumped on Devan and kissed him. I started crying tears of joy.
"How about we go inside and eat." He said. "I'd like that".
I spent the whole Day with Devan and I didn't get back to the hotel until 11 at night. "Where were you?!" Kaitlyn asked. "I was with Devan, remember?" I rolled my eyes. "I seriously don't wanna talk about Devan and I. Just leave me alone and go to sleep." I rolled over and passed out.

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