The Key Bro's house

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Devan's house was beautiful, when I walked in I saw Collins editing a video. "Hey Collins!" I said "hey!" He came over and whispered something to Devan. "Bro stop it" devan said laughing "what, I'm just saying" Collins stated while walking away chuckling. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Oh, he's just being a brother." "Whats that supposed to mean?" I was confused because I didn't have any brothers. "He's just teasing me" Devan said. It probably wasn't a big deal because he seemed chill about it. "So where would you like me to sleep?" I asked. "You could sleep in my room, I'll take the couch!" Devan offered. "Aww thank you so much, but you don't have to sleep on the couch" "then where else am I supposed to sleep?" He asked "with me if you'd like" I smiled at him. "No monkey business you two" Collins said with a serious face which turned into laughing. "Haha no we won't do anything, don't worry about us." Devan and I laughed.
"So shall we get packing? It's just sooo much fun" Collins said sarcastically. "I know, I've moved numerous times and it's exhausting." We packed up the kitchen and living room and got done around midnight. "I'm exhausted" Collins said yawning. "Same here, let's hit the hay, we can go out to eat for breakfast since all of our dishes are packed up and we don't have any food" Devan said. Collins went to his room and Devan and I went to his. We climbed in his bed and fell fast asleep.
When I woke up, Devan had his arm rapped around me and he was holding me tight. "Good morning" He said softly. "Good morning handsome" I replied. I grabbed my phone finding about 20 text messages from my friends. They were worried and asking me if I was ok. I took a selfie with Devan and sent it to them to reassure them I was alright.
We got dressed and went to eat breakfast. We all got waffles, with extra whip cream. Devan smeared some on my nose, then I threw some at his cheek. By the time the waitress came to check on us, our faces were covered with whip cream and we had it in our hair. We apologized and gave her a big tip.
I saw my friends sitting across the restaurant "excuse me boys,  gonna go say hi to my friends" I walked over to them "hey ladies!" "What happened...?" Ashtyn asked "Oh sorry I forgot, Devan smeared whip cream on me." I said giggling. "Of course he did" Kaitlyn mumbled under her breath. "Hey do you just wanna come to the key bros house? We need some help packing." "Packing?" Emma asked. " oh yeaaaa, I forgot to tell you, they're coming to Colorado!"
" ohhh yay...." they all said " we actually got some plans.. we'll text you later." "Oh, ok, well you know you can come by anytime!" I said smiling but then turned around and frowned. "What's wrong?" Devan asked " oh just friend issues I guess. But don't worry about it, we've been having friend issues for years, but I guess it just strengthens our relationship" "ok whatever you say Abby, but you can talk to me about it if you'd like." Devan offered "aww thanks Dev, I will, but I'm ok." I said while getting lost in his eyes. "Mhm." I looked up and saw the waitress holding out the bill. "Oh here I got this." Devan said "here you go! Have a nice day ma'am"
"Should we go back and get packing?" Collins asked. We nodded our heads and headed off to their house.

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