Meant to be {A Sandlot Fanfiction}

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Chaper 1

Leslie's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of screaming and pounding. Must be my brother, Tyson. He's always up at 7 am being loud and obnoxious but I guess he felt like today he should wake up at 5 so I decide to go downstairs and shut him up.

"Tyson! It's 5 am will you please be quiet?" I scream. I guess he didnt hear me because he keeps yelling. "Tyson!" He slowly starts to calm down. This is what I have to deal with everyday.

Today's a pretty stressful day, I've been home schooled my whole life and today I'm finally going to be in public school, 7th grade. I know the movies aren't accurate but I've watched a lot of them lately to get a feel for what was going to happen and I feel like it's going to go well. I go back upstairs and get ready early since I'll be waking up in an hour.

I get my clothes ready and hop into the shower. I feel it's better to shower in the morning, you feel more awake and it just makes the rest of the day easy, and trust me I'm going to need an easy day. After the shower I dress, do my hair and makeup, and fix myself some breakfast. I make my usual, pancakes with a dash of cinnamon and a small ham and cheese omelet, then I brush my teeth.


I get on the bus and everyone has someone to sit with. It was hard at first but I found a seat for myself and I sit down. I felt everyone look at me and it was uncomfortable, I know I'm new but I'm pretty sure they have seen a new kid before. It's not like I have 3 eyes and my nose is on the back of my head.

We make one last stop and the only one to get on is a boy in a baseball jersey, kaki shorts, black hightop converse, and a baseball cap. He looks around for a seat saying hi to a bunch of people, I'm guessing he's popular, and sits down in the seat next to mine next to a boy who looks too young to be in middle school.

I sat there uncomfortably while the kid in the khakis stared at me. I can see his head facing me from the corner of my eye and his eyes pouring into me. Can he look away or something because it's just getting weird.


I walked through the halls and to my first period class only seconds before the bell rang. I sat down and a girl in a cheerleading uniform turned to me with a smile. "Hi" she said in a sweet, high pitched voice. "I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kim. You must be new here?"

I try not to seem tired and smile, "Yes, my name's Leslie."

"Nice to meet you Leslie. So I'm the head cheerleader here at Westmont Middle School and I was wondering if you would be interested in joining the cheerleading squad?" She smiled a huge smile at me. I'm surprised her face isn't hurting, it doesn't like look like it is at least.

I used to be a cheerleader when I was In 1st and 2nd grade but then I stopped and it's not like I was any good. "Sure, when's tryouts?"

"Oh that's great! Tryouts are today actually right after school until 5." She turned back around. "Oh wait, I almost forgot." She said turning around again. "We don't cheer for the football team because we don't have one, only the high school does so we cheer for the baseball team."

"Oh okay. Well thank you!"

"Oh, no thank you!"

She seemed nice but I can't trust a cheerleader I know from experience that they can be snobs. I just listened to what Mrs. Robinson, my history teacher was saying and got through the school day.

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