He released her and stared at her, his eyes still holding the same passion but this time, it was closer to that of infatuation. He raised his hands and brushed his fingers gently against her lips before caressing her face.

"Can I...?" he looked at her.

Leaning in, Lucy closed her eyes as his lips planted onto hers. It was a different feeling from the time back in the garden but even so, it was sweet and a feeling of want arose in her. She wrapped her arms around Sting as he kissed her with more aggressiveness. He opened his mouth and kissed her further, pressing her back against the tiled roof.

"I love you," he whispered. "I love you, Lucy."

"En," she closed her eyes and continued to hold him, a soft smile perched on her lips. "I know."

"You're more important than anything else in this world to me," he said, looking at her.

"I know," she replied, her eyes soft and loving. "To me, you're the person that I hold the dearest in my heart."

Hearing her reply and seeing her expression, he rested back into her embrace, kissing her once again. Lucy accepted and welcomed this feeling that she had locked away three years ago. A feeling of love was growing and blooming inside of her for him. But, it hadn't yet fully blossomed. And though she doubted if it would fully blossom, she had a feeling that this time it would.

I love you, she whispered inside of her heart.

No words were needed to express her emotions to Sting for he knew exactly what she was feeling. He felt it. She loved him but it wasn't yet a deep enough love yet. But he knew that she would one day make her fully fall for him. But for now, it was enough that she had come to love him. Just as they were about to kiss one day, a loud boom filled the sky.

The two looked up and the colors of fireworks painted the sky above them, lighting up the darkness of the night. Another one exploded nearby and their eyes reflected the beautiful sparks that it created.

"It's beautiful," Lucy murmured.

Sting turned to look at her as she gazed at the sky, her eyes sparkling. He smiled softly and looked up at the sky as well, his lips pulled upwards into a grin.

"Yeah. They are," he agreed.

He held onto her hand and she held his back as they sat there, watching the fireworks performance that had been put off in the near distance. They continued to watch it in mesmerization and before long, the two drifted into unconsciousness, their bodies nestled against each other.

I'm not letting go, Sting murmured to himself.

The next day~

The morning sun soon began rising from the east, its rays warming the city that had been covered in darkness during the night. The wind blew softly as locks of long golden blonde hair gently drifted in the wind. The ribbons in the back of her top blew along with it as she gazed at the sun, her eyes bright as a smile wiped itself across her face. Her white fur cape was draped over her legs as the other part was draped over Sting. She looked at him, a blush on her cheek as she thought to herself how cute he looked, snuggled up into it. Gently grazing her hand on his soft blonde hair, she was surprised to see a hand slowly clasp her hand.

"Having fun early in the morning?" he grinned at her.

She laughed. "Good morning, Sting."

He got up onto his arms and yawned loudly, morning tears at the corner of his eyes. He shifted himself and took Lucy's cape and draped it back onto her shoulders. She was wearing the shirt that showed her bare back and though he himself thought it looked good on her, he didn't want her to show it to anyone else. Moreover, it was fall.

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