Chapter 25

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After the defeat of Hades, all of Storybrooke finally felt at peace. They knew there was bound to be more villains in the future, but that just told them they should enjoy the small and quiet moments. After Emma was ready to leave the hospital with little baby Hope, they decided to have a victory party at Granny's.

Everyone came up to Emma and Killian to see Hope. They talked and laughed knowing they were safe. Regina decided to put a blood seal around the whole town so they were guaranteed not to get any unwanted visitors. Of course, no one was actually trapped. If anyone wanted to leave, Regina will bring it down for them to leave and then immediately put it back up.

All of a sudden, clouds thundered in the sky. A lightning bolt raindowned on to the ground and a person comes out of it. It is a man with a white toga who seems to be glowing.
"Who are you?" Emma asks. "Zeus, I just wanted to show you my gratitude for defeating my brother Hades." Zeus comes over to Emma and smiles down at Hope. "May I give your daughter a gift of my own?" he asks.
"Sure." Emma says. Zeus comes over to her and with his magic, forms a necklace with a silver heart. He puts it around Hope's neck and says," With this necklace, she will be protected by any harm." "Thank you." Emma said gratefully.
"Your welcome. Now I better be getting back to Olympus." Zeus disappears in a puff of smoke.

Emma smiles at Killian who is looking down at Hope. "Well, what do you say? Happy Ending?" Killian asks. "No, Happy Beginning." Emma says. She leans into Killian hugging Hope close to her. This was indeed a happy beginning.

13 years later...
Hope Jones is 13 years old. She has long, wavy black hair like her fathers and green eyes like her mothers. She is wearing her special silver heart necklace that was given to her by Zeus. She is walking in the forest practicing her new found magic that was past down from her mother. As she made a flower bloom she felt like she was being watched. She looked around and saw no one. Then, a boy drops down, seeming to be around 13.
"Hello." Hope says smiling. " Hey, I saw what you can do; you are really special." he says. Hope blushes. "I'm Hope." She takes out her hand.
"Hercules." He shakes it back smiling.

So this is the end of the story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you want a sequel then please comment and I might make one! Love you all!❤

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