Chapter 11:New News

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" What do you want?" Emma asks. " Only your child." Hades says grinning evilly. "If you touch Henry I swear.", starts Emma but Hades cut her off saying," oh not that child." said Hades. "

Well I don't know what you want then, I only have one child. " said Emma confused. " No you also have one growing inside you." said Hades matter-a-factly. Emma is absolutely shook.

Emma didn't think she would get pregnant this fast. " What? " Emma asked. " Oh you don't know well it is true and i want your child." said Hades folding his hands. " Well you're not getting them." said Emma confidently.

" Oh we'll see about that." said Hades determined and with that he dissapears in a cloud of blue smoke. Emma still shook from the news goes home early and goes to the store to get a pregnancy test.

She goes home grateful that Killian is out sailing with Henry. She goes to the bathroom and takes the test. She waits 5 minutes and check the results. Emma almost drops it when she sees the results. " Positive. " she said in an audible whisper.

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