Janet shook her head and tilted my chin up to her. "Don't be sorry, I just... I know how you are when you're hurting, and to think you went through it totally alone, hurts me so bad. And I never want it to happen again."

I felt my throat tighten as tears stung the corners of my eyes. It was thinking about my mess back home, her sincerity and emotion, and her love most of all, that made me want to cry. 

  "Don't cry, Toni. I swear to God--" She looked me in the face and then looked away. I sniffled.

  "I can't help it, okay? Why are you freaking out?"

  "I'm gonna cry if you cry." Her back was totally turned to me now.

"I'm not anymore, just come here." I grazed my toe on her back. She turned around and met my face again, stepping forward and wiping my tears away. "I love you so much."

  "I love you more." She kissed my forehead.

  "And I didn't mean to make you cry just now, or turn this into a big thing, but I just thought you should know--"

  Janet pressed her lips gently to mine, as if she thought I would fall apart underneath her. I inhaled slowly and pulled her closer to kiss her harder.

  "Thank you, Toni Michele."

I looked down again at her hands placed so precisely on my waist. She squeezed me. I cringed because it tickled a little. Janet laughed at me. "Toni Braxton is ticklish? How am I just finding this out?" She did it again and I curled up into a ball, trying to get out of her grasp.

  "Jan, stop!" I squealed.
"Make me," she told me. tears streamed from my eyes as I laughed harder and harder. I was trying so hard not to actually hit her to make her stop, but it did cross my mind.

  I found myself falling off of the counter, but she caught me before I could. We were both panting now, trying to make all of this make sense. How did we go from both of us crying, to laughing in a matter of seconds? We were  dysfunctional.

  "Jan," I called after I caught my breath. She was getting lost in my face again.


  "I'm hungry."

She left me, obviously upset that I didn't say something more profound or heartfelt. "Jan!" I whined. "Come back."

  "No, Toni. I need to finish packing, seriously. If you help me, then we can eat faster though."

I sighed and hopped off the counter. "I haven't even showered yet."

  "Well, add that to the list of things Toni needs to do before she eats." She lifted the suitcase on top of the bed. It was only then that I realized when she was so close to me earlier, she did smell like lavender body wash. I felt at such a disadvantage.

  "Okay, okay..."

I turned the shower on and as I waited for it to heat up, I watched Janet pack her clothes and wondered how in the living hell I got here, so lucky.


  "What are you gonna have? Some celery sticks?" I joked. Janet squinted her eyes menacingly at me. We were eating now, finally, and all I wanted was pancakes.

  "You know I can't stand you, right?"

  "Well?" I sipped my orange juice. She only had water. My point exactly.

  "No, Toni, I'm not only having celery sticks!"

  "Oh, I'm sorry... Spinach?"

  "Shut up-hi, yes, I think we are ready." Janet's demeanor made a 180 degree turn as the young, black waitress took our orders. I snickered. She kicked me hard in the shin underneath the table, making me grit my teeth to keep from cussing her out in front of the girl. She had to be no more than 17, with caramel, Dewey skin and her curly hair in a cheeky ponytail. Her name tag read "Serenity." A flash of inspiration and excitement came over me as at the thought of naming my child Serenity one day; I liked it.

Old Friends (Janet and Toni Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon