"Yeah. You girls like to get involved into a lot of things." Donnie said.

"Yeah. We do a lot of stuff back home," Applejack admitted, "But what we're really known for is the CMC!"

"CMC?" Raph asked.

The trio announced, "The Canterlot Movie Club!"

Mikey whispered to his bros, "Guess they can't call themselves Cutie Mark Crusaders in this world, can they?"

"So what brings the rest of you here?" Leo asked the other students.

Bonbon answered, "Well our group was paired to be with their groups, and they didn't wanna leave us hanging just to sneak off to see you guys."

Lyra continued, "Since we already know each other it wouldn't be bad that we joined them."

"Well, good point." Donnie admitted.

"We heard what's been going on with you guys as of late." Micro Chips said.

Sandalwood spoke, "Sorry to hear about Master Splinter."

"Thanks. It hasn't been easy, but we've managed to continue on." Leo admitted.

"So, you girls wanna get some training in?" Raph asked.

"You know it." Sour answered.

"Think we can train too?" Flash asked.

"Yeah. I wanna put some more meat on my bones." Micro Chips added.

"What do you say, Leo?" Twilight asked him.

"Well, more the merrier." Leo answered.

"Yes!" Lyra and Bonbon cheered.

Soon enough the girls along with their fellow classmates were getting some ninja training in. Flash and the others were doing hand to hand moves with Leo, Twilight, Rainbow, and Raph teaching them. Micro Chips spoke to the others, "This ain't so bad."

"This is only beginners stuff." Raph replied.

"Trust me, the advanced stuff is no picnic." Twilight assured them.

"Hey, guys!" Applebloom called, as she and her friends entered the dojo with Mikey, "Check out the cool weapons Mikey gave us." She held up a single tanto sword, while Scootaloo had two butterfly knives like Xever had, while Sweetie Belle had Nekode Finger Nail Claws on all ten of her fingers.

The group was shocked at this, as the turtles shouted, "Mikey!"

"What? Just let the kids have some fun," Mikey answered, "Besides it's not like they're gonna hurt themselves."

"I wish you'd consult with us before giving our sisters ninja weapons." Rarity scolded him.

"Actually, I don't mind it." Rainbow admitted.

"Rainbow!" Applejack chided her.

"What? We all have weapons, and we're good with them." Rainbow reminded them.

The girls sighed at her lack of safety, until they heard a familiar voice from the living room, "Hello? Anybody home?"

Recognizing the voice the group left the dojo and saw Slash and the Mutanimals entering the lair, "Greetings, turtles." Slash greeted his fellow mutants.

Sandalwood spoke to his fellow students, "Dudes, it's the Mighty Mutanimals."

Slash noticed their human friends, "Didn't know you guys were entertaining. Rainbooms, good to see ya again."

"Same to you guys." Sunset answered.

Fluttershy went over and hugged Slash's arm, "I missed you, Slash."

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal NinjasWhere stories live. Discover now