The Bug Thugs

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In the turtles lair, the turtles and the mutanimals were still hanging out and relaxing, until their human friends scrambled inside, "Guys! Trouble!" Pinkie cried.

The mutants turned their attention to their comrades, as Leo spoke, "What happened?"

"We were ambushed by two mutants." Twilight began.

"And they took off with Flash, Applebloom, and the others." Applejack explained in worry.

The mutants knowing how bad the situation sounded were shocked, as Donnie spoke, "Anything specific about these mutants?"

"Both of them were insects." Sour began.

"And they said their names were Scumbug and Antrax." Starlight added.

The turtles gasped, as Mikey spoke, "Oh, that's messed up, yo."

"You know them?" Rainbow inquired.

"Yeah," Raph confirmed, "Back when Stockman was still a fly, he created those two mutants to help him steal money for Shredder."

Donnie added, "We stopped them, but Stockman got away. We had locked the two mutants up in a storage container by the docks hoping they wouldn't escape."

"Lot of good that did since they escaped." Sugarcoat bluntly stated.

"We have to get our friends back," Rarity began, "Who knows what they'll do to them and my sister."

"And we will, Rarity," Leo promised, "Turtles, Mutanimals, girls, suit up!"

And so the team started prepping up for their mission. When they finished packing the essentials, April and Casey entered the lair looking ready themselves, "We got your message, Leo." Casey began.

"Everyone all set?" April inquired.

"You bet we are, April." Applejack confirmed.

"Then let's head out." Slash declared.

"Do we even know where to begin looking?" Juniper asked.

"Don't worry, with my psychic powers combined with Rockwell, we should be able to hone in on their location." April explained.

"Two psychic heads are better than one." Rockwell joked.

"All right team. Let's go." Leo instructed, as the group headed off.

Meanwhile back at the Bug Thugs lair, Scumbug had placed the rest of the students on a giant spider web suspended between two piles of crates. The group struggled, as Micro Chips spoke, "Now I know how a fly feels when they get stuck in one of these."

"It's not cool." Sandalwood added.

Spider Bytez watched and snickered, "Yes, this is just right."

"What're you gonna do to us?!" Flash demanded.

"What else? You kids are gonna be dinner for us." the spider mutant answered.

"Dinner?" the CMC cried.

"You're really going to eat us?" Derpy trembled.

"Don't be stupid. We don't eat things. We suck them dry." Spider Bytez explained sadistically.

"It's actually true." Micro Chips replied, still frightened. Lyra and Bonbon could only scream in fright over what is planned for them.

Out in the city, the ninjas were following Rockwell and April's lead, as they were concentrating on their friends minds, "Any luck?" Sunset asked the two.

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