Chapter 3

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When the plane landed in the airport in the middle of Paris, everyone went to get their shit.
As the were walking to get their bags, Pidge fell into step with Keith.
"Sooo... Keith." She said. "You know this is Paris yeah?"
Keith rolled his eyes. "Duh"
Pidge grinned evilly. "You know it's called the city of love? And you know Lance? And you?"
Keith turned bright red. "I don't- I don't know what you mean..." he stammered.
"BITCH YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT I MEAN!" said Pidge. "Just make it happen or else I'll owe Shiro 10 bucks. Which I don't think I have after buying all the fucking food they had on the plane." She gave Keith finger-guns as she walked away to talk to Allura.
Keith was still looking like an emo tomato by the time they got to the bags. Lance had noticed Keith was incredibly red, and the redness became more profound when they were near each other.
"Keith buddy?" Lance asked. "Are... Are you okay? You seem a little off...."
"YES IM FINE GOODBYE NOW" Keith said swiftly, and then sprinted over to Pidge and whacked her on the head.


"Okay guys, so here's who's rooming with who." Coran began once they had reached their hotel.
"Keith and Lance in the first room."
SHIT SHIT NO, thought Keith.
"Pidge and Allura in room two, Shiro and Hunk in room three, and me in room four."
"How come you get your own room?" whined Hunk.
"Because I'm old and also you guys are nerds." Coran responded. "Ok, off to your rooms now!"


Lance and Keith were putting their stuff away in their room. Keith had stopped blushing, but still wouldn't look Lance in the eyes. Lance was getting worried now.
"Hey Keith?" he said, carding his fingers through his hair.
"Um, Pidge said there's a really nice ice cream place nearby, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to check it out with me?"
Keith was confused. Was Lance just asking him to go with him or asking him out?
"Yeah, sure." Keith answered.
Lance smiled and brought Keith to the ice cream place. Keith thought it was adorable that Lance was getting very excited over all the different ice creams, pointing a new one out to Keith every couple of seconds.
They eventually decided on the same ice creams. One scoop of cherry sorbet, and a scoop of blueberry ice cream.
They strolled around for a while, until they eventually stopped in a park and sat down on a bench.
"Why... Why are you being nice to me?"
Lance turned pink. "What do you mean?"
Keith sighed. "It's just... You know, normally we'd be at each others throats all the time, but... These past two days you've been nice to me. Did-     Did something happen?"
Lance hummed and licked his ice cream. "I don't really know.. I've just sort of...  I guess I've just sort of come to appreciate you more."
Keith smiled. "I'm glad. I don't like fighting with you."
Lance grinned back. "Neither do I."


Later that night, Keith and Lance were lying in their beds, trying to fall asleep, when Lance suddenly said:
"Pidgeon is so small. Will she grow?"
Keith burst out laughing. "What the fuck??!!!"


Not really.

17/2/18, 587 words.

(DISCONTINUED) If Only He Knew (VLD Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now