Chapter 2

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While Coran and Shiro were getting the bags and tickets sorted out, Allura, Hunk and Pidge had found a vending machine and were buying as many snacks as they could carry.
Lance and Keith were still sitting on the chairs, waiting for everyone else. Lance was flirting with the girls that passed by, and Keith was shooting him sour looks.
Shiro looked at them, and then a smile crept on to his face as he realized what was happening. Keith was jealous. Keith hadn't told them, but everyone was sure that he was crushing on Lance.
Guess what folks

They were right.


Everyone had just boarded the plane, and where putting their carry-on in the overhead storage. Keith and Lance were sitting across from Hunk, Pidge and Allura. It was easy to talk to them because whoever was supposed to be sitting in the aisle seat hadn't come, so Lance could lean over to talk to them. Behind Allura, Pidge and Hunk, sat Shiro, Coran, and a random dude who was already asleep.
They put on their seat belts and the plane took off.
After a while, the stewardess when around with a trolley of food. Lance winked at her, and she giggled. Keith turned to face the window, with his chin on his hand.
The stewardess smiled. "I'm guessing three packs of peanut butter cookies then?"
"Do we want anything else?" Hunk said to Pidge and Allura.
"Everything." said Pidge.
"But we had stuff earlier! Like twenty minutes ago!" Allura said.
"I DON'T CARE, I WANT MORE!!!" Pidge shrieked.
"That's a lot of food, but if that's what you want." The stewardess smiled. "Thank god there's other trolleys."
So thats what happened. They ate a shit ton of food.
While munching on some peanut butter cookies, Allura looked over at Keith and Lance. Keith was staring out the window, being the angsty teen that he is. But it seemed... Different. Lance was on his phone, completely oblivious to Keith.
"Shiro," Allura turned behind them and looked through the gap in the seats at him. "Do you know what's wrong with Keith?"
"I think he's upset with Lance" Shiro replied quietly.
"Yeah," said Pidge. "He's pining because Lance was flirting with every single chick he's seen today."
"Oh!" said Allura. "I forgot about our theory... Does he really like Lance?"
"We think so," Shiro answered.
"Aww, I hope so." Hunk butted in. "I feel like they'd be a cute couple."
Everyone else nodded.
"If they don't fucking hook up by the end of this trip, I swear to god someone's gonna die." Pidge grumbled.


It was dark. The plane had been flying for ages, and everyone was sleepy. Allura's head was resting on Pidge's shoulder, while Pidge worked on her laptop, only awake because she had some coffee from the trolley. Hunk was snoring loudly. Shiro and Coran were talking about the hotel, and who was going to room with who.
Keith was still staring out the window when he felt something hit against his shoulder. Lance had fallen asleep and his head fell onto Keith. Keith smiled. Lance was pretty fucking adorable while he was sleeping. He was adorable most of the time though. Keith tried to stay awake, but eventually sleep took over.


When he woke up, he found that he was leaning on Lance's shoulder. Lance was already awake.
"Oh!" exclaimed Keith. "Sorry Lance..."
"Nah, it's OK." Lance replied. He hesitated. "Your hair is really soft, by the way."
Keith's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah," said Lance. "When I woke up, my face was like, in your hair. But it was kinda nice cuz it was real soft."
"Sorry..." said Keith.
"Again, it's OK." Lance replied. "I said it was nice, didn't I? You've no need to apologize. Also, the trolley went around again, so I got you some food in case you were hungry when you woke up"
Keith smiled. "Thank you Lance."
"No prob, and I got you skittles, cause I remember you saying you liked them."
Keith smiled again. "That's very thoughtful of you."
They kept talking for a long time, and when Allura woke up to see them laughing and smiling, she couldn't help but smile too.


16/2/18, 738 words

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