Takanori: "If you don't mind me asking, how did you know it was me?" I said, assuming a woman in her age bracket wouldn't know who I was.

Old lady: "My granddaughter loves your group. Last year, on my birthday, she took me to an Exile Tribe concert. You and that really tall guy are my granddaughter's favourite dancers." she cheerfully replied.

Takanori: "Really?" I said, shocked.

She nodded her head.

Old lady: "I had a blast," she said enthusiastically. "Singing, dancing, and a bunch of young men taking off their shirts." she giggled. "I've already bought a ticket for this year," she said, genuinely excited.

Takanori: "oh, you're a feisty one, aren't you." I said, impressed.

She winked and leaned in.

Old lady: "It'll be our little secret." she whispers, then smiled.

Takanori: "Of course." I whispered back.

Takanori: "What's your name?" I asked.

Old lady: "My name is Ite Hiki." she introduced herself.

Takanori: "Well, it's very nice to me you, Mrs Ite,"

Hiki: "No, no, no, call me Hiki. Being called Mrs. makes me feel so old."

I smiled.

Takanori: "Hiki, is that your phone?" I said, pointing to a smartphone that sat on the counter next to the register.

Hiki: "Yeah, that's what they told me. If only I knew how to work the silly thing." Hiki said, picking the phone up. "My granddaughter Yui said it's supposed to help me, but all it does is confuse me," she said, bothered.

Takanori: "Do you mind if we take a picture?" I asked.

Hiki: "You want to take a photo with a granny like me?" She asked.

Takanori: "Yes, I would love to."

She smiled, then shuffled from behind the counter.

Something about seeing a pint-sized granny shuffling towards me made me want to put her in my pocket. Old people and M&M's are my weakness.

After taking a quick photo with Hiki, we said goodbye, and I headed back to the nightclub. 'I wonder what my little troublemaker was up to?' I thought, shoving a hand full of M&Ms in my mouth before I began my trek back to the club. I wondered why it was that I smiled every time I thought of her. As I walked, my mind wandered to Layla until something hit me.

'What was that? Did something fall on me?' I thought, looking around. 'That's weird,' I could have sworn something hit me.' I thought, unable to find anything. In my confusion, I brushed my hand through my hair, catching something between my fingers. "What is this?" I whisper to myself. 'A cocktail umbrella?' I questioned, twirling the little pink umbrella between my fingertips.

After inspecting the umbrella, my blood ran cold when I read the words on the inside of it.

Will you ever find me? Are you even looking? Is it wrong to still miss you?

A flashback hit me.


"So, these little things keep your secrets?" A sultry voice asked, twirling a little umbrella in front of me.

I nodded, answering her question, making the colours on the wall behind her dance.

"Do you think they can keep my secrets, too?" she whispered as she looked at the little umbrella.

Takanori: "Sure, if you want them to, but you don't need them." I held her hand. "I'll keep your secrets," I said before kissing her hand.

My mystery lady smiled.


My eyes immediately shot up to a roof where I thought the small umbrella might have fallen from. Without a second thought, I dropped everything in my hands and bolted into where I assumed the umbrella fell from. My mind raced as I frantically press the elevator button.

Takanori: "Come on, come on, come on." I impatiently muttered as I press the button repeatedly. "Open!" I yelled before I slammed my hand on the button one last time. 'I don't have time for this,' the wait was killing me. The longer I waited, the more anxious I felt.


I glance down at the fist that firmly held the small pink umbrella that instantly sobered me up. 'I can't wait anymore. I have to know.' I thought, quickly looking for stairs. After sprinting up a flight of emergency stairs, I burst open the door to the roof, and I rushed out onto the terrace. I quickly looked around until my adrenaline settled. As I heavily panted, hunched over, a sinking realization hit me. There was no one here. I walked over to the edge of the balcony, then looked over it at the things I had dropped on the sidewalk. 'Is my mind playing tricks on me?' I wonder as I rested on the balcony of the roof to catch my breath.

Crumpled tightly in my fist was the tiny drink umbrella. I slowly unclenched my hand to see the now crushed umbrella. Somehow seeing the damaged umbrella made me feel stupid. Over such a small thing, I went into a random building, ran up a flight of stairs, and almost collapsed a lung, for what? Nothing, absolutely nothing. In my hysteria, I crushed the only piece of evidence that she might be real. I held the umbrella in my hand over the balcony, watching as it tettered back an forth in my palm. I questioned whether I should just let the wind blow it away, finally forget about her. Was it worth getting caught up like this every time I remember the slightest thing about that night? 'This silly little thing could have floated from anywhere.' I chuckled bitterly to myself. Feeling foolish, I put the umbrella on the ledge I rested on then took a deep breath. I closed my eyes mentally, prepping myself to let this all go when my ear picked up on the sound of something slightly tapping.

Drained of all my emotions and energy, I barely glanced over to investigate the faint tapping. The wind blew the umbrella over to a wine glass that rested on a napkin next to a pen. I slowly walked over to stop the umbrella from tapping the glass. I picked up the umbrella and stare at an almost empty wine glass and a ballpoint pen, that both sat on a napkin. Near the edge of it was a lipstick stain, and words illustrated cross it.


Iwata Takanori

Maybe one day

After reading this, I looked back at the slightly tattered umbrella and remembered what it said.

Is it wrong to still miss you?

I sighed deeply then chuckled.

Takanori: "Just when I thought I could let you go, my Gem." I smiled before putting the umbrella and napkin in my pocket. 'Don't worry, I'll find you soon. Just wait for me.' I thought before making my way back to the club.

After 7 flight of stairs and a small burial for my M&M's, I jogged quickly back to the club. I found my little troublemaker almost asleep and as drunk as a fish yelling in English. I manage to wrangle her safely into the car, hopped into the driver's seat, gave Layla one last glance, then drove off.

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