
21 1 1

"Yoongs don't make me shove a pencil up your nose."

"Oh like you'd ever." He rolled his eyes.

"Wanna bet?" I ask with anticipation in my voice.

"Yeah I be-" He couldn't finish his sentence because I had already stuck a pencil up his nose by its eraser.


"What? You said I couldn't and I did," I say in a sing-song voice, grabbing him by the arm and skipping down the sidewalk.


The day seemed to drag by after Yoongi and I reached his home. We sat in silence, listening to the whir of the electronic devices littered throughout his house. It felt as if we weren't even living, just being. My breath mixed with his as we sat staring, at everything and nothing all at once.

"I want to talk to you about something," he breaks the silence.

"Mhmm." I hum a simple response.

"You want to live, right?"

"What are you on about?" I chuckle.

"You don't want to die? You want to continue your life and not give up? What is there to really live for?"

"Of course I want to live," I turn to face him, "you're worth living for Min Yoongi. My only friend, my everything."

"That was too cheesy."

"I know... why'd you even ask? Should I be concerned about you?"

"No, no, just lost in thought. It seems like we both are."

"I guess so."

"If you really honestly take a step back and think, this whole world could be a placebo. This whole world could be made up by your brain. I could be a figment of your imagination, the only thing keeping you going. What if you are my placebo, and I am yours?"

"If you are fake, I'm glad I thought of you instead of someone else."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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