Day Two

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'So I met some of Pauls friend yesterday' I state looking at my two best friends in the entire world.

Flo and Kat were honestly the best things that have ever happened to me. See I went through a bit of a rough stage when me and Paul were first kindling our romance. My then-best-friends Gina and Elizabeth were actually the reason for me meeting Paul, and although we are no longer friends, I will forever be grateful for them introducing me to the guy I had been dying over for 2 years. The reason we were no longer friend you ask? Because I did the one thing that no friend should ever do, the number one rule to ever sister code in the universe. I stole the guy my best friend Elizabeth was in love with.

Now when I say I stole him, I basically mean that she displayed her feelings for him, whilst I kept my feelings locked up so that I didnt hurt her. I never intended on me and Paul becoming so close, but once he started displaying more of an interest in me rather than her, her attitude towards me began to get a little sour. Obviously, I understood at first that she would be pissed, but then her and Gina started ignoring my calls, making plans without me and even lying about what they would be doing just so I didnt have to join them. Gina obviously chose Elizabeths side because they had been friends since they were 5 years old, whereas I only joined their group in high school. So, after months of attempting to cling onto a friendship that was no longer there, I gave up and crumbled away into my own little hole of sorrow.

Kat and Flo, who were also a part of our little group, were the only ones who decided that they didnt want to judge me based on who I fell in love with. They understood that I cant help who I want to be with, yes it was bad luck that it was the same person as my best friend. But as I clearly stated, I would not have reacted the same was had Paul chosen her, I would have been happy for the sheer fact the she was happy and eventually I would have moved on. But anyway, the past is the past and I love these two girls with every inch of my being because they brought me light in the darkest of times. Something not even Paul could do.

'Oooooo who? Were they hot?' Kat winks at me and I laugh. She was the apitemy of gorgeous. Her long brown, curly hair was in perfect condition (never died, never damaged) lucky bitch. Her brown eyes seemed to reach down into your soul, making it impossible to keep any secrets from her, which in a way was a good thing because she was incredible at keeping them so therefore I always had someone to vent to without any worry. She was like a human diary. She was probably one of the tallest girls in our year, which would sometimes make her come across as intimidating, however if you were knew to her then she usually came across as quiet and shy. Dont get me wrong, if you upset her then she would let you know, and no one wanted to witness the wrath of Kat. But despite her sweet exterior, once you got to know her and she became comfortable enough around you, then you would unlock her dark, dirty sense of humour which once I discovered came as a bit of a shock. Guess its true what they say, its always the quiet once with the feistiest personalities.

'Why is that the first thing you focus on Kat, you perv!' Flo smirked at her, her eyes sparkling in the light. Flo was the complete opposite when it came to comparing her and Kats appearance, but still absolutely gorgeous. She was small, and I mean could pass as a hobbit small, which went perfectly with her cute personality. She had straight brown hair that fell as far as her hips and her eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue. She was also a quiet one, even when you got to know her. However, she was the life guru of the group, constantly gracing us with her wise words of wisdom.

'Luke and Loui, they were nice actually. Loui was really funny and easy to make conversation with. And Luke.' My voice abandoned me as I thought back to those piercing blue eyes locking with mine, and I actually felt my heart flutter a little just by saying his name.

'And Luuuuke. what?' Kat questioned, the curiosity burning in her eyes.

'he wasnt really up for much chit chat to be honest, he was actually a little rude of you ask me.'

'Well at least Loui was nice I supposed, I wonder what Lukes problem is.' Flo spoke up, taking a sip of her drink.

'I dont think he has a problem, Paul mentioned that he wasnt really talkative even with his best friends. Just his personality I guess.' I looked down at my food, suddenly not hungry as I thought back to the emotionless greeting I had received from Luke just a few hours ago, I dont even know why it bothered me so much.

'Yeah yeah, thats all well and good but you never answered my question bitch! Are they hot?' Kat protested, slamming her fist lightly on the table in frustration. I shrugged and blushed, looking down at my food again, pushing it away from me really losing my appetite now.

Kat looked at me confused for a while and then a smirk appeared on her face.

'So. Which one has got to smitten Luke? Loui? Or are you just thinking of Paul again?' Her voice full of amusement. I didnt want to look at her, I knew the moment I raised my head that it was the wrong move.

'J... just thinking of Paul obviously' lying through my teeth. Her gaze bore into me as she leaned closer, those big brown pools working their magic. Fuck! Why did she always have to use her power for evil.

I sighed. 'I dont know, I just got this really strange feeling when Luke acknowledged me, as brief as it was. Ive never felt anything like that before, even now just talking about him I am doing everything within my power not to smile at the thought of him' I confessed while my two best friends watched me closely. One face full of amusement, the other full of concern.

'Paige, are you trying to tell us youve got feelings for Luke?' Flos eyebrows looked like if they went any higher they would be off her forehead completely.

'No obviously not! Im in love with Paul, I know weve only been together a short amount of time but hes special, he has always been special to me and you two know that the most out of anyone!'

Kat spoke up 'Yeah but look how much you died over Paul after only seeing his profile picture on Facebook. FOR 2 YEARS!' she laughed, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable this conversation was making me.

'Shes right Paige. Someone youve known for 5 minutes could mean a lot more to you than someone you have known for 5 years. Time has nothing to do with it, if the feelings there then its there.' Flos words hit me. Oh yes, the wise old words of Flo Rydal.

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