Sesshomaru's litte brother

Start from the beginning

A mischievous smirk spread across the Inu lord's face. "Hmm as you wish my son." Unceremoniously, he dropped Sesshomaru flat on his bottom, making him lose whatever dignity he had.

InuTaisho took the lend this time toward the small hanyou, sitting silently to himself. He'd only made it about ten feet when all of a sudden he tripped over Sesshomaru's stretched out leg, to fall on his face in the green grass.

Lifting his head, he spit out a few blades of grass and looked to see his child with a smug expression on his face. "You wretched, wretched pup! I should beat you for being so rude to your father!"

"Oh and what do you call dropping me to the ground you brainless old fool!"

"I call it a tactical way of punishing my ignorant child who has no respect for the one that seeded him! You ridiculously spoiled brat!"

"Senile old dog!"

"Idiotic pup!"

Inuyasha wasn't paying any mind to the older demons arguing. His thoughts were still clouded with the anguish of wondering why he didn't resemble his father and brother. Maybe if he looked like them then he wouldn't be picked on so much and teased by the other children. Why did he have to be so weird looking? It just wasn't fair...He didn't want his stupid ears or his unpale skin...He just looked

Then the two battling demons heard a soft sob coming from up ahead. Their golden eyes lifted up to see Inuyasha's face dripping with heavy tears of sadness. His cheeks were flushed a full crimson red, as his amber orbs melted on and on to water the flowers below him.

InuTaisho had his eldest son pinned under him, when he'd heard his youngest tearing up. He and Sesshomaru exchanged an expression of momentary truce, and collected themselves to go and see what could cause their beloved hanyou so much misery.

Inuyasha hiccupped and sobbed pitifully, as he rubbed his tiny fists over his wide golden eyes.

"Inuyasha?" He heard from his deep voiced father. "What is the matter my son?"

"Yes little brother. What's wrong."

Inuyasha peeked out at the two faces of his family and cried even harder. He looked nothing like them at all. Their faces, their markings, their ears. Nothing. He didn't have any of those things.

Frowning immediately at the display, and feeling quite upset, InuTaisho took the lend in gathering up his young pup and took his place on the grass with little Inuyasha in his lap. "My son could you please tell me what has you in tears?"

Sesshomaru settled next to his father, picking up his Yasha's hand to kiss. "What has you so troubled little one?"

"I...I..." Inuyasha hiccupped rubbing his eyes with his one available fist. "I d-don't...look a-and papa." He cried out his small voice becoming thick with sorrow. "I-I'm...different and ugly....."

Signing the king tucked the young boy's head under his chin, rocking him back and forth. "No no no, my son. You are not different OR ugly. Do not ever refer to yourself as being disfigured."

"But...but say bad things to Yasha...they call me...ugly and stupid.

Sesshomaru immediately made a mental note to torment each child that dared to refer to his brother as being even the slightest bit repulsive. The nerve of those brats. "Inuyasha listen to me." he said kissing the small hand in his larger one. "You, my little brother, are not ugly. Do you hear? I do not wish to hear such a thing from you again."

Inuyasha shook his head, disagreeing with his older brother. "Y-Yasha is not pretty like Sesshy and Papa." He mumbled as more tears fell.

"Oh but Yasha you are more beautiful then the both of us."

"Yes my son." Taisho agreed with a smile. "You're as beautiful as I am. The only ugly one here is your brother, whom I should've drowned at birth for being born with such a unseemly, repelling face."

"Ohhh so father wants to go there huh? "Well Inuyasha it's probably best that you don't take after your father since his face is easily confused with his enormous backside."

Taisho gasped, lifting Inuyasha up in the air to have a look at his bottom. "My rear end isn't large you deceitful canine!"

"Oh my apologies father. I couldn't tell which I was referring too. But now I see, that it's your face"

"You fen! How dare you!"

Inuyasha's tear filled eyes blinked between his father and brother.

"I guess the boy should be fortunate he doesn't take after you Sesshomaru, since your facial features are continuously confused with that of a mere woman!"

Inuyasha tears began to dry as he rubbed them dry.

"Oh and who's fault is it that my features are often mistaken for a female? I obviously received it from somewhere." He stated giving his father an invasive once over.

The small hanyou chuckled at the comment.

Taisho slapped a tired hand over his face, sliding it down to drop roughly from his bottom lip. "By the gods, I knew I should've drowned you the day you were born. But now I'm forced to deal with a misshapen, feminine looking pup, with a bad attitude and an even worst mouth." He signed his discontent, shaking his head mournfully. "Why do the gods torment me so?"

"Hn, if anyone is cursed by the gods. It is I." Sesshomaru remarked smoothly. "

"How dare you speak to your father that way, you spoiled rotten brat!"

Inuyasha's laughter and giggles rung out to the pair of pointy ears above him, stunning both males from their fatherly/son spat. Without realizing it, they'd sort of made the boy feel better with their spiteful arguing.

"Papa and Sesshomaru silly." Inuyasha clapped happily, kicking his feet. "Papa and Sesshomaru, not ugly. You both pretty."

Taisho and Sesshy blushed, in a dignified way of course, and grinned.

"We think you're very pretty too, My

Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said taking his brother from their father.

"Indeed my son." Taisho reached over to pat the boy between his puppy ears when suddenly a familiar pale hand battle him away from them, the inu's lord looked up to see Sesshomaru golden eyes stating down at him, bringing the hanyou into a protective embrace. "You are far prettier then either of us. Possibly more" Inutashio finished.

"Papa and Sesshomaru think Yasha is pretty ?" Asked the innocent golden eyed angel.

"Of course."

Inuyasha made an adorable thinking sound, tapping a finger to his chin as he'd seen his father do when deep in thought. After coming to his child like conclusion he giggled and stood up between Sesshomaru's legs to face both demons. "Yasha know why I not look like Papa and Sesshomaru now."

"And why is that?" Questioned the elder brother.

"Because Yasha is a small pretty." He announced proudly. "But when Yasha get big, I'll be a big pretty like Papa and Sesshomaru ."

Well it wasn't exactly what they had in mind when trying to calm the boy's spirits but they both knew that this could work just the same. Whatever worked for the little one was enough to make the demons satisfied.

Sesshomaru pulled his baby brother back down in his lap to snuggle him under his chin. "Inuyasha?"

"Yes Sesshomaru?"

"Do you love your elder brother?" Came the question that was asked every single day.

"YES!" Cheered the happy hanyou child.

"How much do you love your brother?"

Inuyasha turned around to open his arms wide. "This much Sesshomaru ." His tiny hnads reached up to caress the stripe covered cheeks of his elder sibling. "Sesshy love Yasha too?"

"Oh yes little brother. More then you'll ever know."

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