"Excuse my lack of respect your majesty and princess,"My mother interrupted browning her head in a apologetic manner, a total opposite of something she would ever consider doing. " but my daughter would never wish you to put a hold on your schooling, I may have not raised her but I do know she would never selfishly hold you back. Rose would want you to, in her words 'kickass'  and don't let her stop you from doing what you want, I believe she will be back in no time princess. My daughter could never be patient if she wanted something, she got that from her father." Causing me to gap at this Janine Hathaway look alike.
Who knew she could compliment me and interrupt two royal Moroi's conversation.Even the tender motherly face Olena's possesses  on her face, and boy it's creeping me out. Hell the fact she brought my father up even confirms that woman isn't my mother, or has lost her mind.

Pointing in my mothers direction. " Earlier I got a phone call and it has brought to my attention that you will currently be needing a temporary guardian," Making me curious about this phone call. " Until you graduate and relocate here to court, Guardian Hathaway will be with you as a trusted shadow to protect you until I feel as though  things have settled."

"What do you mean your majesty, about a phone call," Lissa asks like she read my mind curiously sparked both of our attention. Hell even my mother was interested in knowing who relocated her stuck up ass away from Lord Szelsky's side? My guess it was the old man heading my concerns earlier on Lissa's safety, my top concern other than myself.

"Who told you I was in danger?"

"An rather interesting source has shared about a bit of intel and has asked to relocate  Guardian Hathaway to keep an eye on you. Momentarily I will be expecting a novice to be here , I've asked the novice  to be at your side as well, considering he will be graduating in a month it would be best to put someone your age with you." Pointing to confused yet nervous Eddie walk-in with Guardian Croft. Thank god it's not some egotistical novice protecting Lissa, at least I can count on him and my mother taking care of her.

Bowing respectfully, Guardian Hans and Eddie faced the Queen. "You have asked me to bring the novice boy  your majesty." Guardian Hans spoke. "Yes, thank you Guardian Hans,"Tatiana nods, speaking in her neutral tone.

"Welcome Mr.Castile we have some unsettling issues concerning Vasilisa. Until her permanent guardians have been assigned when she graduates, I have asked Guardian Croft to find a bright young novice to stand in and guard her until then." Explaining why he was also asked to come to court. "I've personally asked him to find a trusted and close novice who can be trusted with her protection and other classified things concerning the matter." 'Classified things? What the hell does that mean. She is just as bad as the old man.'

Causing Eddie to freeze for a second, clearly shocked on her request. The queen herself assigned him a talk before graduation to guard a moroi, in our world it is a big opportunity and a great achievement early in the guardian carter. Getting personally asked by the queen is a mind blowing honour. "Yes your majesty, that would be an honour." Eddie bowed. "Excellent! Starting today you are to be assigned to Vasilisa." Tatiana said, satisfied with his answer, knowing he won't refuse a queens order.

Personally even if it wasn't Eddie who got the offer he would protect her in a heartbeat, he had a soft spot for her. Not because he is a moroi Princess but being my best friend and me being  close to Eddie, we all had grown together as a group. After Mason dying and Adrian joining in we've created a small family, Eddie was the type of guy to lay his life down for ahis family.

"Guardian Hathaway, considering you both will be working together  would you go over the guardian protocols with him." Tatianna asked my mother. "Usually Guardian Hans would but he has a meeting with men in a few moments." 

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