"It's fine old man, besides I've had my fair share of scary I think I can handle Guardian Pavel." I challenged with a grin.

"Alright Rose, you will be running laps with Guardian Jackson, when your finished come see me by the sparring ring." Pavel yelled , just an Guardian Jackson and I took off.

Forty five minutes later, Guardian Jackson and I made it to the sparring ring where Pavel was looking a papers  and Brendan was setting the station up for sparring. "How did it go, Guardian Jackson." Pavel asked, not looking up as he was fiddling around with some paper work.

"Great! Rose even gave me a run for my money," Guardian Jackson spoke, playfully winking at me. " I'm impressed is all I need to say."

"Well done than, looks like you are ready for round two." Pavel nodded impressed with my ability, hopefully things stay positive.

"Okay, now I want you and Guardian Brendan can spar. First person  to either tap out or to be staked is the loser."

Taking a sip of my water I make my way to the ring and got into position. When Pavel gave the signal, we began.

For about a few minutes, Brendan and I did circles around each other not making a first move.  When I shifted my feet to move  directions, Brendans left leg slammed into my side, causing me to stumble. Throwing the odd jab at each other, we patiently wait for each others move.

  The eerie silence was silenced by the sound of my erratic heart, I  knew this fight was showing to be difficult.

" Gunna give up yet Brendan," I taunted, hoping to catch a slip up. "We both know who the real winner is, I've already kicked your ass before."  Throwing a jab into his rib cage, causing him take a few steps back.

"We both knew it was a cheap shot,"Brendan smirked, throwing a punch forward. Just as he was about to hit my right shoulder I grabbed his arm and knees him the gut, just as he was hunched over I slammed him down to the mats and 'staked' him.

"I told you I'd kick your ass." I gasped out, tired from this fight with Brendan. Don't get me wrong if he was dead serious I could be in for a serious fight, but since I got the feel of how he was I played him to win.

Using his weaknesses was my best advantage, see Guardian Brendan is a great fighter but he has a ego, and when to get him riled up enough he gets slopping. Admittedly I've been watching his and Jackson's fighting skills over the last few weeks  as they trained together, when we where  travelling from many of Abe's safe houses,I've picked up a bit of their techniques by observing.

  "Not bad Hathaway." Guardian Pavel acknowledged with a grin. " Now you will fight Jackson." Nodding to my next opponent. Which was another fight I was excited about, and it went pretty  well. Fighting with Jackson was a forty five minute match, and with a bit of Dimitris style and some of my own I managed to pin her and stake her. I was thankful that  Pavel was impressed of how easily adaptable I was on different fighting styles. Not only was I a quick study on defending myself  against different fighting styles I was great at learning as well, not that I'm bragging.

"Alright not bad, now take an hour for lunch and be prepared to take them both on." Motioning me to the front door of the house. " Be on time this time, and don't forget to stretch." Causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah I'll get right on that."  Heading for the kitchen.

Walking through the kitchen doors, I shoot a quick text to Lissa to call me, in go find something to eat until then.

Settling down in the bar stool I eat my food and stir my coffee. Flicking my screen on I see the  Lissa still didn't text back. Weird.

Gobbling my food down quickly, I drop my dishes in the sink and go into Lissa' mind.

When I got inside I could feel Lissa emotions and thoughts, she was at court.

"Christian, do you think Rose is going to be able to fight for Guardian Belikov, she asked curiously she projected, sadness for my suffering.'They where talking about me?'

" Of course she will, she's Rose." Eddie spoke behind them, masking

an emotionless face but held confidence in Roses abilities to get the job done. " Don't worry cousin I spoke to her last night," Adrian reassured her. " the only abnormal thing about her is her aura and lack of sleep , but that could be anything, she is perfectly fine." He added earnestly, catching my attention on the matters again. 'What is wrong with my damn aura?, I thought.

"Her aura? Maybe it's the darkness from my magic, lately I've been trying to work on charming more like Roses friend from Russia did to her ring."She said jealously, her inner determination to advance in the learning of spirit was something she was passionate about, leaked through the bond. Personally even thought she shouldn't come into battle with me, the thought of learning more about spirit to help me save Dimitri was what she wants to achieve for herself as a spirit user and  for me. The past few weeks away I could feel her, her determination to learn more and her emotions leaking through the bond as she used her magic while she studied anything she could get her hands on.

Unquestionably the love I shared for my friend to do this for me makes me stronger to go on, without her I don't think I could have survived this far in my life with what I've experienced since I've returned to St. Vladimirs with Lissa. Taking a bit of darkness was a small sacrifice I could take if it meant doing the impossible.

"And I'm sure she is grateful for all we have and will discover," he genuinely spoke. "But she would also want you to focus on today's meeting with my aunt and to graduate. Rose always has something up her sleeve, we will figure it out but for right now enjoy the weekend here at court and relax, starting Monday we will get back to work, okay."  Causing me to melt, as he spoke words of truth and wisdom.

Both Christian and Eddie looked at him clearly taken back by his pep talk, which seemed to work for now.

"Princess Vasilisa?" The young dhampir hesitatingly spoke, holding a letter in his hand addressed to her. "Yes she is I, how may I help you ?" Lissa kindly replied. " A letter appeared in the mail room this afternoon addressed to you and I  was asked to personally deliver it to you ."He explained, holding it out to her. Reaching forward Lissa took the letter. "Thank you, much appreciated." She thanked, as the dhampir headed in the direction he came.  Looking through Lissa's I watched her tear it open, making my blood run cold.

Princess Vasilisa Dragomir,

It seems our Rose has ran away princess and I'm not happy, see where ever she is I can't seem to find her, which would mean someone with money has hidden her well and your my only way and weakness to get  her right now, thanks to the bond you two have. Tell Rose she has until Monday to turn herself in or else I will need to prove a point. Proving my point has consequences, because no one not even you Princess are safe from me if I don't get her in my clutches.

This is my final warning Roza, turn yourself in or someone gets hurt preferably you my sweet, sweet Roza.


Son of a bitch, I thought.

Grabbing the letter from Lissa, Christian and the boys read the letter. Their looks masking anger at his taunts and threats to everyone I loved.

Fear ran through Lissa as she took a breath, she was feeling sadness but determined to help me find a way to change him back, her feelings where pushing through the bond to me. Christian pulled Lissa in his arms holding her as she a processed it all, more than anything I wish I was there to help her but right now I needed to get stronger. For her sake and mine.

"Should we tell my aunt or someone about this?"Adrian asked, worried. Shaking her head, Lissa thoughts, were determined to wait on my thoughts. "Until Rose returns I'll stay close by, but for right now we need a plan to avoid any encounters with Belikov." Eddie pensively adding in his input on the situation.

Sitting here in Lissa's mind I mourn at the thought of the events of my future, one way or another someone's going to get hurt. Only this time  I'm completely and utterly lost scared, right now I wanted to break down and cry.

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