Chapter 2 (Kim)

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I hear an annoying  sound ringing over and over again disrupting my sweet precious  sleep only for me to remember that it is alarm for school. Grumpily, I sit up and stretch then wear my slipper.

I enter the bathroom brush my teeth, took a quick shower and wore a blue oversize sweater with black leggings and blue hightops to match. I am not a fan of make up so I just brush my brown curly hair into shape and rubbed a dash of lip gloss on my lips to give it a little color.

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I saw my mum infront of the gas,probably cooking my dad and I favorite breakfast while my dad, sitting down at the dinning table, was sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper like many other dads do. I approach them and greet.

"Good morning ". I sat down after kissing both my parents  cheeks.

"Good morning." My mum replied. "breakfast will soon be done. "

" 'kay." I faced my dad. " so dad anything new. "

" Na." he drops the newspaper on the table and focus solely on sipping his coffee. "it's just the same baloney "

"So Kim, any thought of getting a new boyfriend? " My mum asks as she drops my dad and I breakfast (pancakes with chocolate syrup dripping down it with blueberries to complete it. Yum) on the table. I nearly did a spit take, if it wasn't for the fact that I was not drinking  anything, I ensure you you would have seen my profusely coughing while trying to clean  the water spilling from my eyes,nose and mouth. So instead what I did was open my eyes really wide in shock of what my mum just told me.

"Wh-what  did you say?"

"I asked you if you were planning of having a boyfriend this year."

"No.  I am not."

" Kim." I already know where she is going  with this because she has being saying this to me for the past three years and I absolutely hate hearing it. " you need to stop blaming  yourself-" I clench my fist tightly under the table "it wasn't your fault. So move on and enjoy your youth-"

"I need to go. I-i-im going to be late for school. " I stand up quickly, pushing my chair back simultaneously.

"What about your breakfast?"

" I'm not hungry anymore." I pick up my bag that I dropped beside me when I first came downstairs. "See you." I turn around and leave without looking  back once.

I know it might seem a little harsh how I acted with my mum but I couldn't stay and listen on how it isn't my fault that Felix is dead while, I know it is and so does many other people because if I heard just calm down and look before I crossed then Felix wouldn't had to save me by pushing me away from the speeding car.

Yeah, I know I sound a little harsh on myself even though no-one has point blank accused me of his death, I know they blame me for it because I can always hear them whispering to each other of it. In the hallways, the bathroom, the locker rooms and even the cafeteria. But I have learn to tune them out now even though it still hurt hearing of it.

As I walk down the side walk, I can hear a girl giggling. Eww. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate giggles. I hate that I know what that giggling means. Which is, I can't believe this hot boy is interested in me, wow I must be dreaming someone  pinch me. And on cue, the giggling bimbo comes out of the bar with a boy, who looks like someone of my age.

She is holding his arm while the boy looks at her as if he knows what will soon happen between the two of them. Disgusting. Both of them stop and face me. Did I say that outloud. Oops, oh well.

"Excuse me, what did you say? " The blonde bimbo asks.

I sigh. "sorry did I stammer" Hey! If You make a mistake the best thing for you to do is to own up to it. "I just said the truth. "

"excuse me!" Geez, doesn't this woman know any other words but 'excuse me'.

"Yeah yeah yeah.  I heard you so can you please just stop saying  excuse me, its already annoying me.The bimbo gasps and glares at me with a look that looks like she wanted me dead.As if. "you-you-you-you-"

"what already? Just spit it out. I'll even help you. You and  you say-" I point at her. "come on, you know it".

'bitch'. She spits out with fire directed at me.

" Finally". I throw my hands up in exasperation. "I thought I was going to  die waiting for you to say that word. shame I thought it will be more insulting. Oh well that just shows how boring you are".

"baby". She says in childish voice. Weirdo. "did you hear what she said to me?". I finally remember that the bimbo is actually here with someone. I face the man expecting to see an irritated expression on his face but only to see an amused one,  which to be honest kind of threw me off balance for a second.

"Here I did". He replies the bimbo but looks at me with a smirk on his lips and a michevious  glint in his eyes. "

"come on let's leave". He says to the bimbo but still faces me. "I hope we cross parts again "

"Hopefully never". I leave, only to purposely bump on the bimbo shoulder hard, making her fall on her butt. "pathetic". I continue on my journey to  school. Why? why?why? Did I decide to skip using the bus to go to school today? Note to self, follow bus tomorrow and beg-beg-beg BEG my parents to buy me a car.


Okay so Kim. Any thought of  her character. I for one like her but she isn't my favorite character. My  favorite character has yet to been shown but don't worry. You will soon see some of this characters nest chapter.

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