Chapter 26 - Tying the Knot

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, no, go ahead," I forced a smile, feeling stupid for being salty about the whole situation. Justin was only trying to protect me and make sure I was okay at all times which I totally understood considering he had lost a child before and didn't want to lose another; I realised why it was so important for him to have me safe but I was only about a month pregnant and there were a few more months before I would even start to show. He didn't have to worry yet, everything was fine and I was functioning as normal, "Why are you home so early?"

"You didn't pick up my calls," He mumbled and I tried to remember when I had seen missed calls on my phone but as far as I could remember, no one had tried to reach me within the last couple of hours, "I got worried."

I sighed, "Justin-"

"Let me be worried!" He raised his voice but once he had said the words, he let go of his anger and went back to having his normal smooth gentle voice, the sudden changes kinda scaring me, "Have you eaten?"

"No, but-"

He put on his coat again, "Let's go eat, then."

I narrowed my brows, hating the way he always chose to interrupt me as if he had the rights to. He didn't own me and I hated when he decided to act like he did. But I didn't complain about free food so I willingly put on my shoes to go with him, wherever he had decided for us to go.

We ended up in a tiny, unfamous restaurant (which was unusual for Justin since he always wanted to eat at the fancy places) that had a mixture of Italian and Tex-Mex food. It was a strange combination but I, still, wasn't complaining. He had left early from work to spend time with me so I chose to be the bigger person and appreciate him taking his time to do that.

It was beginning to get obvious that I was slowly falling back to wanting to be with him. I think he noticed it too because, for each day that passed, he tried to get a little closer than yesterday. Justin's biggest wish was for us to get back together and I wasn't completely against the idea anymore. The only thing that was missing was the trust for each other, he had been a little hesitated with me too ever since he found out about Lucas. Still, he continued to try to fix things between us and I did appreciate that.

"What do you want?" He asked, still eyeing the menu in front of him. I had barely been able to look through the different dishes due to my thoughts being everywhere as usual, "I think I'm gonna go for the lasagna."

I tried to quickly find something, pretty much saying the first thing my eyes landed on, "I can take the pesto spaghetti."

"Great," He smiled and then began to wave for a waiter to come over to place our order. Slowly, I tried to hide with the menu, knowing that every time he did that I got embarrassed. Normal people didn't do that but Justin clearly wasn't normal and they had recognised him the minute we stepped our foot inside the restaurant.

I don't blame him for wanting food quicker than usual but I did blame him for, pretty much, catching everybody's attention. I don't think anyone else recognised him, normal people don't tend to, but companies and restaurants always know who he is but I guess that's what money and a successful career do for you. Whenever I was with him, I was treated like a queen by everyone who I walked by but if I were out by myself, nobody rarely acknowledged me and I would have to do most of the things by myself. That's one of the many reasons Justin didn't want me to go out by myself. 

Now, he was also paranoid that I would meet someone else and leave him.

Which is something he told me about on a daily basis. I understood his view but in my eyes, there was a bigger chance of him meeting somebody to steal his attention than the other way around. Mainly because he was more social, richer and definitely better looking. I knew for a fact that I wasn't the only person eyeing him in that company. I remember almost every single woman in there talking about getting with him.

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