This is when Val looked at him sternly in the eyes. "Actually Chad, I already have a boyf-. Mmf!"

She was cut off by someone slipping in between her and Chad, grabbing her waist and kissing her roughly claim is that she was his. She responded to his kiss and sighed in it. He came. Thank God. Tequila then broke the kiss and wrapped an arm around her waist holding her so close it seemed... Possessive.

"Hey sweetheart" he said emphasizing the endearment. "Who's this?" He asked referring to Chad.

"Oh uh, hey babe. This is Chad. Just someone who went to my high school. Chad this is my boyfriend. _" she said.

Her boyfriend sized Chad up and down with a sharp glare, flexing his muscles and clenching his jaw tightening his hold on Val. Chad seemed nervous under his gaze and slightly intimidated. Val felt slightly awkward being in the middle of it.

"Chad huh? Yeah sorry, my girlfriend can't come to your dinner. She's having the whole night with me" he said his tone getting dangerous. Val blushed at his possessiveness. Chad just immediately nodded with a quick goodbye and ran away like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Val sighed in relief and rested her head on Tequila's shoulder. After the whole Chad thing, he decided they would just but something for  Eros and a quick take out and go home already. The ride back to the flat was silent and slightly tense. Val didn't say anything. He looked beyond pissed. Even his driving seemed pissed with all the sharp turns and bumps. They decided Val would spend the night in Tequila's flat.

They walked back to Tequila's flat in tense silence and he gripped her hand so hard Val thought it would break. She was unsure what to do. She felt worried about what was going on in his head. She knew she had to say something sooner or later but she didn't know what.

Val closed and locked the door to the flat. They walked to the living room. There Tequila just removed his jacket in one swift motion putting it aside on the floor. He then turned to Val and just grabbed her and laid her down on the couch. The redhead yelped in surprise as her body landed on the furniture followed by her boyfriend on top of her.

He kissed her so much more rougher and passionately than before that it took her aback. He growled when she didn't kiss him back in so much shock and kissed her even harder. This is when Val softly responded trying to calm him down. She could feel all his frustration in the kiss. It didn't work and he only kissed harder urging her to also kiss him roughly so she gave his wish.

He gripped on Val's hair pulling on the roots but strangely enough Val didn't mind the pain and liked it. Her nails dug and scratched on his back. He ran his one hand aggressively up and down her thighs and pulled her one leg to wrap around him. Val wrapped her other leg around him.

Soon their tongues were involved in the heated make out. Val couldn't fight back since he dominated with so much ferocity. His tongue freely explored her mouth. It seemed like forever and they broke their breath holding record. Before they ran out of breath, Val pulled away.

They were both panting and their heart beats soared. She gulped for air trying to catch her breath as his once tense body slowly relaxed on top of her like melting butter. Once she caught her breath she looked at her boyfriend and lightly laughed.

Tequila looked at her queerly and asked "What?"

Val gently played with his hair saying "You were jealous"

He denied it. "No I wasn't. Why would I be jealous of such a desperate try hard trying to get your atte-"

Val cut him off with a finger to his lips. "Oh shut up. Don't deny it. You were. You never made out with me that roughly and your whole aura coming home screamed 'pissed off'"

Just then Eros comes and barks nodding his head and wagging his tail. Val chuckled and pat Eros on the head. "See?" She said "Even Eros agrees you were jealous. Dogs can sense feelings you know"

Tequila sighed and looked Val in the eyes twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers. "Fine. I was jealous. I didn't like the way he looked at you. I was just scared that you would leave me for him"

Val laughed out loud and held his face in her hands. "Leave you? My own hot bad ass cowboy for that creep?"

At this, Tequila finally smiled and shook his head. "Who was he?"

Val sighed.

"He's been bothering me since high school. Even me rejecting him wasn't enough to get through his thick skull. Thankfully it didn't go so bad to the point where I needed a restraining order"

Val gave him a slow sweet kiss. "Tequila, did you really think that after all we've been through, I would leave you for anyone just like that? Babe, you're  the only one I want to love for the rest of my life. I denied the offer of being with my mother in the afterlife and came back for you Petes sake. If I could deny that kind of offer, I wouldn't easily take anyone's offer to leave you"

Tequila rested his forehead on hers. "I'm so lucky to have you. I love you my angel"

"I love you too baby" she said.

Then Eros barked getting their attention. The couple chuckled and turned to the dog saying "We love you too Eros"

Hey! So this was just something I've been thinking of a long time. I plan to do a jealousy edition for Val. How did you find it? Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Also please request what one shot of Val and Tequila you would like to have.

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Where stories live. Discover now