(19) Nineteen

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Chapter 19


Remember when the two of us spent a day eating cookie dough and watching every chick flick ever made? I told you that if anything was better than that, I would lick your cat. In retrospect, I have no idea why I said I would lick a cat or why watching chick flicks was so great, but in that moment I was convinced nothing could be better.

Well, I’ve found something better.


He is honestly the most amazing person to walk this planet. Every minute I spend with him is even better than the last. I didn’t think I would ever have this much fun or be so comfortable around someone I had just met. It took me over a year to really open up to you, yet I’ve only known Nathan for a month and he knows every single thing about me. And I know everything about him.

He told me he is not pure French hence why he can speak English fluently. His mother is from England and met his French father in the university where she studied for college. He was born in England and stayed there for eight years before they permanently settled down in Paris and adopted the French way.

His favorite food are escargots. I really don't know why French love to eat snails. Since he knows about my love for lists, he started a bucket list for me and number one is to have escargots.

He got the scar on his knee when he was 13 years old in a pickup football (soccer to you) match. He tripped over the foot of a team mate and sliced open his knee on a rock. It is actually in the exact same spot as that scar I got after you pushed me off my scooter when we were 11.

His biggest fear is that Kylie is right, and that he isn’t good enough. I’ve told him more times than I can count that she is dead wrong, but I’m not sure he actually believes me and that kills me inside.

When he grows up he wants to be a singer. He told me he was a musically inclined person. He’s driving me insane though cause he refuses to sing for me. The last person he sang for was Kylie (of course I had to ask) so it’s kind of a bittersweet thing for him. Anyway, his passion for music is incredible.

 I don’t know why I’m telling you all this stuff, but I guess it’s just to prove it to myself that he actually trusts me. The only thing he refuses to speak of is the reason he spent so many weekends at the airport. I asked him about it once and he just completely shut down. The light in his eyes died and the smile on his face melted off. He didn’t talk to me for a whole hour after that and wouldn’t look me in the eye for half the day.

This airport thing is obviously something bigger than simply ‘hitting on tourists’ but I have no idea what. I haven’t known Nathan long, but I know him enough to know that hitting on random girls is not something he would do. Being his girlfriend, Kylie should have been well aware that that’s not the kind of person he is, but I guess Nathan was right she never really knew him. Anyway, this Nathan stuff isn’t your problem and I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it anymore. I know what you want. You want the juicy details.

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