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Adrian POV

Ever since breakfast Shayla been acting mad weird. I've been letting it rock but now she's all jumpy and shit. I don't know if it's something I said or did.

"Shayla you good?" She looked around and then at me.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm fine. Just exhausted I guess?" She seemed distant.

"You wanna go home then? It's fine if you want to." I pushed.

"N-no it's fine. Can I ask a question?" She asked putting down her phone, we were sitting in the food court getting lunch after shopping for 2 hours. "Shoot it."

"Is there anyone after you right now? Like that would put me and Jamayne in danger?" She asked hesitantly.

It was a weird question for her to be asking me but I had no problem answering it honestly. She had a right to know it would be her life at risk.

"Right now, a lot of minor people. But besides that you're good." I said cockily. I never have more than a few wanna be someone niggas coming after me and they usually disappear after a weeks.

"Are you sure? Like who could already know about me?" She acting jittery.

"Only my crew would know. Why you asking these type of questions? Are you sure your okay" I asked while feeding Jamayne french fries.

"No reason. I change my mind, um maybe we should go. I need to do the grocery to cook dinner. Your house is empty and my son is not going live on fast food. I miss MY home" She said packing up our stuff.

"Nothing is wrong with fast food but fine we can go. There is one right around the corner from here." She nodded and picked up some of the bags while I held a Jamayne in one hand and some bags in another and walked out.

As we got the car I unlocked the doors and Shayla got adjusted in her seat, I handed Jamayne to her while I put in the new booster seat I just got for him. I even bought a Spiderman cover for it because that's what he loves. After spending two days with him, I learned so much about him. He loves Spider-Man and Hulk. He loves talking about things he learned and it felt so good to be apart of his life.

I took him from Shayla and buckled him in the seat, making sure he was secure. When I was finished I jogged around to my side and got in, driving us to the supermarket.

I got there in five minutes and found a near parking space right away. "You have a list in mind? Cause I'm not trying to be in there for long." I said being in honest. I don't like being in grocery stores, they're cold for no reason and there's always someone bumping into you with a cart. "Yeah we shouldn't be long." She said getting Jay out of his seat and walking hand in hand with him. I just walked behind them on my burner phone, to see wassup with my workers. One of my hoes texted me on my regular phone but I left her on read. Right now I'm focused on my son and baby mama.

"You said we wouldn't be long! We've been in here for an hour and a half. It's already 3." I said to Shayla as I stand in a long ass line with a over full cart. She really dragged this shit. We've been out all day and now she wanna spend all this time in grocery. "It's not my fault your house don't have shit in it." She said playing with Jamayne. Shayla picked up alot of unnecessary things we did not need at the moment. Like, popsicles, Pop tarts, taco kit, she bought a stack of meat. Like who the hell eating all that.

We finally made it to the top of the line. "Hey cutie did you find everything you needed?" The cashier said.

She was bad. She had bleached hair that's bone straight and her boobs popping out her purple work shirt, she had little tummy but her ass was fat as fuck. Sadly, I could already see she was a hoe, my baby mama and son right here and she ignored them like they weren't shit. Even if we say she didn't know that was my baby  mama, then she could've been my girl or wife and she straight up ignored them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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