Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)

Start from the beginning

The theme is purple and white, I'll be wearing a white wedding dress with a purple ribbon that ties up and the back just under my breast.

It's a strapless dress with a flowing bottom that covers my feet.

Marissa will be wearing a purple silky long dress that's also strapless.

Elijah will be wearing a whit suit with a purple tie that suits the other purple In the wedding.

The wedding is starting at 5:00 so by the time the ceremony starts probably the sun will be setting.

After we add the last details to the ceremony marissa and I head back the the house to get dressed.


My makeup and hair have been finished, now all I have to do is put my dress on.

This is it, it's time.

I slip on my dress and ask Marisa to tie it up.

"Thanks." I say.

"You look beautiful demi." Marissa says trying to hold tears back.

"Thankyou marissa, so do you, but we have to stop while were both not crying otherwise we'll ruin our makeup." I say.

"Okay, well let's get you too the venue then." She says before taking mine and her arrangement of flowers.

We head out the door and to the wedding.

Were having the wedding ceremony at a nice spot about 2 minutes from the houses.

So cars aren't needed, we having one picking us up from the beach after it ends to take us the the airport.

Because it's on the beach shoes aren't really a good idea, especially high heals so we decided to go barefoot.

As I walk down the beach with marissa by my side I think about everything that will come after this.

All the good time to come with my soon to be wife by my side.

It's not long before I finally reach the isle.

I look up to see Sammy already up there, she insisted I be the one to walk down the isle. I didn't disagree because I wanted too.

She's so beautiful standing there in her dress.

It's a big one like mine only it has straps that go around her neck And had a purple lacy bit at the top where her boobs sit.

It's stunning, she's stunning.

I fell her eyes on me and mine are on her.

I look to her eyes and give her a small smile trying desperately not to cry.

The music starts playing, marissa walks down the isle first with me following.

She gives Sammy a hug before standing on my side of the isle.

I finally reach the isle with tears running down my face.

I go the wipe my eyes only the be beaten to it by Sammy.

She brings her hand up to my face gently wiping my tears.

"Today we are here to bind these to women in holy matrimony, please join hands." The priest says.

"Considering there are only for people I don't think we need to go through the objections routine." He says making is all laugh.

"So samara do you have your vows." She nods before looking straight into my eyes.

"Demi when I first laid eyes on you, you were walking up your steps to your house in all your glory.

I knew immediately that I would e crushing on you. At that point I didn't know your name and hadn't even met you, but there was just something about you. This something made me come up and talk to you after I had caught you watching me surf again for the like 50th time. Everything about you made me fall in love with you, the way you walk or the way your so confident about yourself. I won't lie I'm pretty sure I fell in love with you the first time we talked, your are my first love and I will do everything to make sure you are my last. I will love you demi forever and always." She says this making my heart melt, the tears are coming down like rain, I try to compose myself before it's my turn.

"Demi." The priest says towards me.

I nod knowing what he wanted.

"Sammy, I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you, I especially didn't think I would fall in love with a girl until you. I've hade a hard time loving and trusting people in my life, but you made it so easy, everything about me loves you. Some people will think I'm insane for marrying so young especially because your even younger but I know in my heart that this is what I want. You are who I want forever.
From the moment I started waking up at 5:00am every morning to watch you surf is the moment I knew you weren't like anyone else. I thought I was in trouble because I was getting in too deep, but as it turns out watching you surf every morning was the best decision of my life. It brought me to you, it brought me the happiness I deserved and now I get to love you for the rest of my life. Always and forever." I say making everyone cry I even see a tear on the priest cheek.

"Do we have the rings." He asks.

Elijah reaches in a pulls out the rings handing demi and I each other's,

There were just simple gold bands but they were perfect.

"Demetria Lovato do you take samara garner to be wife, to love and protect through sickness and health until death do you part." He asks.

"I do" I say crying yet again and sammy places the ring on my finger.

"And do you Samara Garner take Demetria Lovato to be your wife to love and protect through sickness and health till death do you part." She nods crying just as much as me.

"I do." She says as I place the ring on her finger.

"By the power vested in my I know pronounce you wife and wife. " he says.

"You may now kiss your bride." He adds.

That's all I need before I crash my lips against Sammies.

It feels like forever before we pull apart when really it wasn't that long.

I was so happy, this was one of the greatest days of my life.

We signed the marriage papers and said out goodbye to Elijah and Marissa before heading inside to get changed.

We were in and out in 10 minutes, before making our way to the black Car waiting to take us to the airport.

We out our cases in the trunk before shutting it.

Sammy walks around to my side and opens my door for me before shutting it and getting in her side.

"You ready to start our new life together mrs Lovato?" She questions. I like the sound of Mrs.

"I am Mrs lovato." I say pecking her lips.

"I like the sound of that." She says starting the car.

"Me too." I say as we drive of towards the airport.

This was the start of something magical.


Finally married hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now